Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Carbon Tax 101

Carbon Tax 101

"Often floated as the most efficient way to lower our carbon emissions, a carbon tax is a textbook example of blackboard economics: it may make sense in the classroom, but falls apart in the real world. Imposed unilaterally, the tax would harm American households, businesses and the economy at large while providing very minimal climate benefits."

Adaptation 101

Adaptation 101

"Climate change policy solutions largely focus on mitigation such as emissions reduction goals and temperature decreases. While global mitigation efforts can help reduce the risk of climate change, adaptation will be an important tool as well."

China 101

China 101

C3 Solutions explains the importance of China in addressing global climate change in China 101. “There is no realistic way the world can tackle climate change if China doesn’t reduce its emissions. Given China’s growing economic and geopolitical influence, it is imperative that the United States and the global community start holding the country accountable...

China Plays the Climate Card

China Plays the Climate Card

The Wall Street Journal’s Editorial Board writes on China’s latest play of the climate card. “The most significant of the ‘three bottom lines,’ meanwhile, is that the U.S. back off its defense of Taiwan—the island democracy that Beijing wants to absorb, potentially by force. If the U.S. backs away from its Pacific alliances, the pitch...

Competition for Cleaner Energy Will Pay Dividends for Climate and the Economy

Competition for Cleaner Energy Will Pay Dividends for Climate and the Economy

Charles Hernick of CRES writes for Power on the benefits of energy competition. “The bottom line is that competition has helped deliver these benefits to consumers. Across the country costs have stayed low and reliability overall has been maintained. In America’s largest regional wholesale power market, PJM, competition has helped save $3.2 billion to $4 billion in annual electricity...

How some restaurants are taking out single-use takeout containers

How some restaurants are taking out single-use takeout containers

"Dispatch Goods also picks up containers, which can be used hundreds of times, from individuals’ home or work addresses. During the checkout process, customers are autoscheduled for the collection day in their neighborhood. Dispatch Goods groups collections by neighborhood to reduce the CO2 emissions associated with its logistics activities."

Using Hot Sand To Store Energy

Using Hot Sand To Store Energy

The Department of Energy on CleanTechnica writes on their latest advancement in energy storage. “ENDURING uses electricity from surplus solar or wind to heat a thermal storage material — silica sand. Particles are fed through an array of electric resistive heating elements to heat them to 1,200°C (imagine pouring sand through a giant toaster). The...

Preventing severe wildfires is climate action

Preventing severe wildfires is climate action

"More proactive measures must be taken to limit the severity of these wildfires. It is well-known by now that fire suppression tactics in states like California have backfired spectacularly, by allowing 'fuel loads' such as underbrush and dead trees to pile up, effectively creating enormous tinderboxes."

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