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Articles from Around the Web

Natural Climate Solutions 101

Natural Climate Solutions 101

"Natural solutions, which include reforestation efforts, sustainable agriculture, and responsible land use practices, among other strategies, are some of the most cost-effective and efficient solutions to reduce emissions. Additionally, nature-based solutions are vital to promote ecological and community health, both in urban and rural areas."

Blue Carbon 101

Blue Carbon 101

"Blue Carbon, which is the carbon stored in coastal and oceanic ecosystems, is a significant nature-based climate solution that is often overlooked. While many natural climate solutions are terrestrial, Blue Carbon sequesters CO2 in seagrass, mangrove forests, marshes, and other coastal ecosystems." 

Forest Restoration 101

Forest Restoration 101

When people think of natural climate solutions, they usually think of forests and trees, and that makes sense. Trees sequester enormous amounts of carbon dioxide. They lower greenhouse gas emissions, improve our air quality, and even enhance mental well-being.

Geothermal Energy 101

Geothermal Energy 101

C3 Solutions outlines the benefits of geothermal energy in its Geothermal Energy 101 policy paper. “Geothermal energy is labeled ‘America’s untapped energy giant’ by the Department of Energy, and for good reason. With lower lifecycle emissions than solar and a greater capacity factor than wind, geothermal is a renewable energy source that can produce abundant...

Hydropower 101

Hydropower 101

"While hydropower is still our largest source of renewable energy, the growth of hydroelectricity is hindered by extensive government regulations. By streamlining burdensome regulations and permitting processes, we can continue to grow hydropower in the United States."

Hydrogen Fuel 101

Hydrogen Fuel 101

C3 Solutions in Hydrogen Fuel 101 outlines the innovation and importance of hydrogen fuel. “Hydrogen is the world’s most abundant element, and could be a solution to lowering our CO2 emissions, specifically as hydrogen fuel. There are four different methods of hydrogen fuel production, but the two that are the most commonly used are thermal processes and...

New Source Review 101

New Source Review 101

"The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) New Source Review (NSR) is a complex regulation that affects manufacturing facilities and power plants in the United States. Before making modifications to existing facilities, a facility must first complete New Source Review and receive a permit to ensure that there are not significant increases in pollution."

Heavy Industry 101

Heavy Industry 101

C3 Solutions outlines how to reduce emissions from heavy industry in Heavy Industry 101. “While economically important, heavy industry is also one of the leading CO2-emitting sectors of both the domestic and global economy. Globally, industry accounts for about 19% of direct greenhouse gas emissions and 33% of total emissions when supply chains are considered. Due to...

Plastics 101

Plastics 101

C3 Solutions, in its Plastics 101 policy paper, outlines how to tackle plastic pollution in the U.S. and abroad. “While plastic itself is not inherently bad, the pollution that comes from it causes damage to the environment. However, calls for bans on all plastic are counterproductive. Market forces are making plastics cleaner and more efficient,...

Lithium fuels hopes for revival on California’s largest lake

Lithium fuels hopes for revival on California’s largest lake

"Owners of 11 existing geothermal plants around the lake’s southern shores are retooling for lithium and possibly other brine minerals instead of building from scratch. Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. has state and federal grants for lithium demonstration projects and says it could begin construction for commercial operations in 2024."

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