"Chivas Brothers’ £60 million ($76 million) decarbonization plan is built on the heat-recovery project it launched at Glentauchers in 2021. The facility still relies on fossil-fueled boilers, but its new system has cut the distillery’s total energy usage by 48 percent and energy-related carbon emissions by 53 percent by reducing how much it has to use those boilers, according to the company’s case study."
Articles from Around the Web
Private firms are driving a revolution in solar power in Africa
"Namibia, one of the sunniest countries, last year made it easier for private producers to sell electricity into the regional power pool. It sees its future role as more of a platform for the buying and selling of electricity than as a generator and distributor. But others are resisting change. Senegal, Mozambique and Tanzania, for instance, still tangle up dre firms in red tape. Other countries are hoping that the 'geopolitics of solar' will mean that foreign powers seeking influence in Africa will pay to build the solar plants that their bankrupt utilities cannot otherwise afford, argues one industry veteran."
Can Small Nukes Power a Greener UK Future?
"All parties are promising economic growth as the pathway out of the UK’s many problems. They might want to think again about the price of energy, how it’s the fastest path to growth, and how nice it would be to promise not just cheap but green and abundant electricity to all by 2026. With no new pylons and no black mould required."
Renewables chief says Joe Biden’s China tariffs risk slowing green transition
"'Any uncertainties in the development process can definitely create higher costs for customers and make it more difficult to get some of the clean energy goals that the Biden administration has over the finish line.'"
Key EV Battery Material Can Come From a Surprising Source: Methane
"Other pyrolysis companies exist but most create products like soot or carbon black that can’t be used in battery production. Those companies also often rely on microwave or plasma-based heating, techniques that can be very energy-intensive. By contrast, Molten’s reactor is like a toaster: It uses resistive heating, which is more efficient, according to co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Kevin Bush."
Europe Needs More Cheap EVs. Tariffs Will Keep Prices High
"'Shielding automakers from competition and stopping consumers from accessing affordable EVs today is not going to help them meet their climate goals, nor will it help their domestic industries,' Aleksandra O’Donovan, who leads BloombergNEF’s Electrified Transport research team, said in an interview. 'At the moment, it feels as though the decarbonization targets might not be the priority.'"
Pinpointing the Problem
"Weng says the most prominent method of monitoring has been the use of infrared cameras operated by technicians on the ground or from the air. But that is time-consuming, labor-intensive and inefficient. Because there are so many production sites, there is no way to monitor all of them in a timely way. Major leaks can continue for days, weeks or months without detection."
Brazil joins race to loosen China’s grip on rare earths industry
"While labour is cheap, developers face technical hurdles. Unlike in China, many Western companies are still perfecting the complex processes for producing rare earth metals, a costly challenge that has stalled projects for years."
MEPA Blocks Montana Wind Energy
After 7 years of extensive research, planning, permitting and subsequent litigation, the Coyote Wind Project was stopped – not because it failed to meet substantive environmental regulations, but because of frivolous procedural concerns.
The carbon credit industry attempts a comeback
"Supporters of using carbon credits, which include influential climate advocacy groups such as the Bezos Earth Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation and multinational banks tasked with financing economic development, say the two-year long effort to improve standards can make these credits a key source of desperately needed funds for decarbonization efforts in Africa, Latin America and South and Southeast Asia."