"Loris says that the Biden administration isn't entirely to blame for the high energy prices but that it could help ease prices in the longer term by changing course on its anti-fossil fuel policies, pointing to the president blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline and halting new federal land leases as moves that created further uncertainty in energy markets and discouraged investment."
Articles from Around the Web
Converting plastic waste into porous carbon for capturing carbon dioxide
"Besides climate change, which is mostly the result of our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, plastic pollution stands as one of the most critical environmental concerns of this decade. The sheer quantity of discarded and misplaced plastic is dealing irreparable damage to Earth's ecosystems, affecting our crops and contaminating our water supplies. If we are to transition into truly sustainable societies, we need to find efficient ways to repurpose discarded plastics."
The dangerous war on natural gas
"Economists of all political stripes agree economic growth has been a tremendous engine for sustained improvements in human welfare, especially the welfare of the poorest people in society. Shutting down natural gas will shut down economic growth. In turn, no person who actually cares about the poorest members of society and also wants to move to reliable electricity with a high reliance on wind and solar should support the war on natural gas."
Russian Oil Is Off the Table but the Jones Act Serves as a Barrier to Using Domestic Supplies
"U.S. usage of Russian energy serves as a fresh reminder of the oft‐overlooked harms inflicted by the Jones Act and the myriad ways it undermines both the country’s prosperity and national security. Let’s hope this sets the stage for a much‐needed and long‐overdue examination of this protectionist relic and the glaring failure of U.S. maritime policy."
Coal still at heart of China energy strategy after parliamentary gathering
"The threat of energy shortages has continued to preoccupy policymakers after a wave of punishing power outages swept through some of the country's industrial heartlands last year."
CEO of geothermal startup Fervo Energy looks forward
"The company raised $28 million last year from investors including the Bill Gates-led Breakthrough Energy Ventures, and he said total VC funding to date is almost $60 million."
The startup Twelve is brilliantly transforming carbon pollution into jet fuel and plastics
Adele Peters of FastCompany reports on Twelve, a sustainable carbon capture startup. “Twelve has already partnered with the Air Force to make jet fuel from CO2, and it’s worked with Daimler and Procter & Gamble to demonstrate that it can recreate ingredients needed to make car parts and Tide, respectively.” Read the full article here.
Elizabeth Warren Says the Solution to High Gas Prices Is Higher Taxes on Oil Companies
"Warren's proposal would doubtlessly achieve the same results: Less domestic production, more dependence on foreign oil, higher prices at the pump, and negligible tax revenue."
Elon Musk calls for nuclear power in Europe— and pledges to eat food grown near reactors
"Elon Musk says that nuclear energy is the key to breaking Europe’s dependence on Russian oil as crude prices continued to surge to near-record levels amid the ongoing invasion of Ukraine."
US Is World’s Largest Oil and Natural Gas Producer—Despite Biden’s Energy-Constraining Policies
"It’s time to fight authoritarianism with energy freedom. Instead of continuing to put obstacles in its way, Biden needs to reevaluate, reprioritize, and unleash the American energy sector—for the benefit of America and the world."