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Universal access to clean cooking lags behind

The C3 Take
  • Roughly two-thirds of Africa’s population, almost 1 billion people, do not have access to clean cooking technology.
  • Instead of relying on natural gas, propane, or electric stoves people are using dung, wood, and other waste products to cook their food.
  • Estimates suggest that the air pollution caused by these techniques lead to 3.7 million premature deaths per year, making it the third largest cause of premature deaths globally.
  • While solving this challenge will require public and private sector leadership, policies rooted in economic freedom will help to deliver cleaner air and cooking technologies to impoverished nations.

“Air pollution from rudimentary cooking fuels such as charcoal, firewood, coal, agricultural waste and animal dung causes 3.7 million premature deaths per year, ranking it the third largest cause of premature death globally, according to the report.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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