Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

House GOP Outlines an Infrastructure Agenda

House GOP Outlines an Infrastructure Agenda

As the process to pass an infrastructure package continues, House Republicans used committee hearings last week to explain their vision for infrastructure legislation. Members across the party outlined improvements to regulatory reform, water infrastructure, surface transportation, and broadband.

How One Iowa Company – and the Hawkeye State – is Handling Waste

How One Iowa Company – and the Hawkeye State – is Handling Waste

The 31-year-old state-funded program has diverted over 4.178 million tons of waste from landfills and saved nearly $120 million in disposal fees and related costs since its inception. These results were achieved using a community- and education-based approach to waste management that raises local environmental consciousness and addresses waste issues before they start.

Natural Climate Solutions Champion: Congressman Glenn Thompson Joins C3 Solutions on Facebook Live

Natural Climate Solutions Champion: Congressman Glenn Thompson Joins C3 Solutions on Facebook Live

With an administration and progressive party in power that prioritizes an all-of-government approach to climate change, it is important to have principled conservatives such as Congressman Thompson to offer solutions rooted in agriculture, nature, and free markets. Through his leadership, conservatives can once again become the party of truth and science.

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