Initially introduced by Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-AR), the EXPLORE Act aims to improve and expand access to outdoor recreation on America’s public lands and waters.
Meta Wants AI To Go Nuclear
“Advancing the technologies that will build the future of human connection—including the next wave of AI innovation—requires electric grids to expand and embrace new sources of reliable, clean, and renewable energy,” Meta commented.
Why Does Kelp Matter?
How much does kelp matter?
The answer? Kelp matters quite a bit. In fact, it contributes $500 billion annually to the global economy.
Walmart Commits Millions Toward Wildlife Conservation
In 2005, Walmart launched the Acres for America program, committing to fund an acre of wildlife conservation for every acre the company developed for commercial purposes.
The Fusion Energy Fast Forward
You may have heard the cliché to say that “fusion is always 10 years away.” I’ve been hearing that since the beginning of my career. It was ten years away in the late 90s, and it was still ten years away just a few years ago. It’s the unattainable goalpost just over the horizon.
Kodoma Systems Is Leading the Way to Healthier Forests
Wildfires have scorched over 8 million acres of American land and forests this year. With six of the most intense wildfire seasons on record occurring in the past seven years and a doubling in the frequency of extreme wildfire activity, this number is not surprising.
Keep Permitting a Priority in 2025
Permitting talks in Congress stalled last weekend as lead negotiators could not agree on a final compromise. Republican control of the presidency and Congress, albeit with slim majorities, provides an opportunity for a fresh look at permitting reform next year. It’ll be a fresh start with a shifted Overton window, but the 119th Congress should continue to prioritize permitting reform with the following principles in mind.
Congress to Extend 2018 Farm Bill and Allocate $10 Billion in Aid
With lawmakers unable to pass a new farm bill this Congress, $10 billion in economic assistance was included for farmers facing hardships from low crop yields, declining commodity prices, and natural disasters, which resulted in $21.94 billion of crop losses in 2023 alone.
This Hydrogen Storage Startup Envisions A Breakthrough on the Horizon
A new player in the hydrogen storage market is emerging. California-based H2MOF, co-founded in 2021 by two renowned scientists Fraser Stoddart and Omar Yaghi, is preparing for a technological breakthrough in the field of hydrogen storage. Stoddart won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2016 and has received more than 73 global awards and metals....
Ten of the World’s Leading Small Modular Reactor Companies
Small modular reactors (SMRs) are disrupting conventional notions surrounding nuclear power. Smaller, more compact, and producing minimal emissions, this innovative alternative to traditional nuclear power is receiving more public and private sector attention as governments scramble to meet global energy needs reliably and responsibly.