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Natural Gas Bans Will Worsen California’s Poverty Problem

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RealClearEnergy reports, natural gas bans in California will hurt California’s poverty problem.

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The C3 Take
  • California has a staggering poverty rate of 12.8% thanks in part to excessive regulation and taxation.
  • Bans on natural gas will make California’s poverty problem worse, and disproportionately hurt California’s poorest citizens.
  • Families who earn less money spend more of their proportional income on energy.
  • Limiting consumer choice, specifically with natural gas will raise energy costs and harm those who need low-cost natural gas.

“Put short, California should not attempt to solve the climate change challenge on the backs of the poor and the middle class. The state should not be abandoning natural gas — the cleanest of the hydrocarbons — at the same time that the United States is producing record quantities of it and prices of the fuel are near multi-decade lows.”

Read the full article here.

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