Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

AI-Optimized Grid Balancing Pilot Launched in Finland

AI-Optimized Grid Balancing Pilot Launched in Finland

"Exaum’s innovation balances the production and consumption of electricity along the power grid, an issue for generators and customers as more intermittent renewable energy is deployed. The technology allows the transmission system operator to adjust and control electricity consumption in the grid, while ensuring that sudden changes in production do not cause blackouts or grid imbalance. It can direct and channel excess power production to areas where it’s needed, such as industrial heating—an area of need in Finland."

Report finds Texas methane emissions hit record low in 2022

Report finds Texas methane emissions hit record low in 2022

"'The Permian Basin’s success in reaching some of the lowest methane intensity rates in the world exemplifies the region’s commitment to environmental stewardship. We will continue to proactively work to minimize oil and gas development’s environmental impact—all while producing affordable, abundant, and reliable energy,' Longanecker concluded."

Scientists unveil methane munching monster, 100 million times faster than nature

Scientists unveil methane munching monster, 100 million times faster than nature

The chlorine atoms then steal hydrogen atoms from methane to make hydrochloric acid (HCl), which can be captured and recycled. The methane atoms decompose into carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrogen (H2), the same way it is processed naturally but at a rate that's roughly 100 million times faster in the reaction chamber."

From kicks to compost: Puma’s playbook for circular sneakers

From kicks to compost: Puma’s playbook for circular sneakers

"Footwear production accounts for 1.4 percent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a 2018 Quantis study — roughly equivalent to the emissions of Canada. Manufacturing accounts for 43 percent of those emissions, and extracting and processing raw materials 34 percent, the report found. Making a pair of sneakers generates 30 pounds of CO2, according to an analysis by MIT in 2013. A typical shoe contains several materials tightly sewn together — leather, plastic, cotton, rubber, synthetics and so on — and is thus very difficult to recycle. Ninety percent of old shoes end up in landfill sites."

The Future of Nuclear Energy Will Be Decided In Idaho

The Future of Nuclear Energy Will Be Decided In Idaho

"INL calls itself America’s nuclear energy laboratory, and its core missions include keeping the existing fleet of reactors in service and developing the next generation of fission power plants. A total of 52 reactors were built and operated at the facility as the technology became a mainstream source of electricity. The last new one to go into service there was in 1973, though."

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