Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Could Blockchain And AI Help Prevent Deforestation?

Could Blockchain And AI Help Prevent Deforestation?

"It would be impossible to physically police the world’s forests, which are vital to the planet’s wellbeing. If applications like blockchain and AI can help, and in some cases prevent further damage from being done then that is no bad thing. As ironic as it sounds, the future of the world’s eco-system is in technology’s hands."

Using ocean plastic waste to power ocean cleanup ships

Using ocean plastic waste to power ocean cleanup ships

"A team of researchers from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Harvard University believes that the plastic amassing in floating islands in the oceans could be used to power the ships that are sent to clean them up. In their paper published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the group describes how ocean plastics could be converted to ship fuel."

U.S. Air Force Base To Be First To Deploy New Nuclear ‘Microreactor’ – Soon Every Town Could Have One

U.S. Air Force Base To Be First To Deploy New Nuclear ‘Microreactor’ – Soon Every Town Could Have One

"Microreactors offer a range of benefits attractive to military bases. Chiefly, they remove reliance on the grid, which is 'vulnerable to prolonged outage due to a variety of threats' and can provide both the electricity and heat that bases need. Moreover, the US DoD sees its needs for electricity growing as it requires power to desalinate water, produce hydrogen and support increasing data processing as well as to power robots and directed-energy weapons such as lasers."

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