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From kicks to compost: Puma’s playbook for circular sneakers

From kicks to compost: Puma’s playbook for circular sneakers

"Footwear production accounts for 1.4 percent of annual global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a 2018 Quantis study — roughly equivalent to the emissions of Canada. Manufacturing accounts for 43 percent of those emissions, and extracting and processing raw materials 34 percent, the report found. Making a pair of sneakers generates 30 pounds of CO2, according to an analysis by MIT in 2013. A typical shoe contains several materials tightly sewn together — leather, plastic, cotton, rubber, synthetics and so on — and is thus very difficult to recycle. Ninety percent of old shoes end up in landfill sites."

The Future of Nuclear Energy Will Be Decided In Idaho

The Future of Nuclear Energy Will Be Decided In Idaho

"INL calls itself America’s nuclear energy laboratory, and its core missions include keeping the existing fleet of reactors in service and developing the next generation of fission power plants. A total of 52 reactors were built and operated at the facility as the technology became a mainstream source of electricity. The last new one to go into service there was in 1973, though."

Bill Gates-Backed Group Supporting New Energy Storage Technology

Bill Gates-Backed Group Supporting New Energy Storage Technology

"The company said its technology 'is designed to maximize the value of renewable energy generation and offer grid operators control and flexibility at the lowest cost compared to other energy storage options. The system is also modular and scalable by adding more carbon blocks to increase storage duration, allowing growth with the grid as renewable generation increases.'"

Fertilizer Companies Are Betting on Ammonia as a Low-Carbon Fuel

Fertilizer Companies Are Betting on Ammonia as a Low-Carbon Fuel

"CF’s executives decided to capitalize on that potential clean-energy demand and lean a bit less on fertilizer. One advantage for CF is that it can convert its ammonia to a low-carbon variety relatively cheaply, since the company already captures much of the CO2 generated. It just has to sequester that carbon dioxide instead of venting it to the atmosphere, as it does now."

New Google geothermal electricity project could be a milestone for clean energy

New Google geothermal electricity project could be a milestone for clean energy

"Fervo pumps cold water down an injection well, then over hot rock underground to another well, the production well. The path between is created by fracking, or fracturing the rock. The water heats up to nearly 400 degrees Fahrenheit (200 degrees Celsius) before returning to the surface. Once there, it transfers its heat to another liquid with a low boiling point, creating steam. The pressure of steam expanding spins a turbine to produce electricity like in a coal or natural gas-fired plant. The geothermal water, now cooled, is put back down the injection well to start the cycle again, in a closed-loop system."

The Newest Airline Climate Solution? Burying Sawdust

The Newest Airline Climate Solution? Burying Sawdust

"Graphyte’s first project in Pine Bluff, Ark., collects waste from two timber mills and a rice-milling operation. The company aims to start manufacturing its biomass bricks in January and burying them in July. By then, it hopes to be making roughly 140 pallets of blocks a day, enough to store 50,000 metric tons of carbon annually."

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