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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Innovative Technology is Saving the Bees

Innovative Technology is Saving the Bees

Innovative technology is coming to the rescue of declining bee populations. Vital to food supplies, bee populations worldwide are rapidly declining due to disease, habitat loss, and the use of pesticides.  According to UN estimates, bees pollinate 71 of the 100 crop species that provide 90% of the world’s food.  It is not just agricultural...

Can AI Predict If Your House Is Going To Burn To The Ground?

Can AI Predict If Your House Is Going To Burn To The Ground?

Cyrus Farivar and Alex Knapp of Forbes write about a tech platform that is looking to prevent damage from extreme weather events. “His company has been gathering data and using it to train machine learning models to better assess risks caused by climate change, like wildfires, on behalf of its clients, mostly insurance companies.”  Read...

A new fusion power station will mimic the Sun to provide limitless energy

A new fusion power station will mimic the Sun to provide limitless energy

"Aside from aiming to demonstrate the net production of 300 to 500 hundred megawatts of electricity, DEMO will also demonstrate new innovations such as remote maintenance and tritium breeding. Tritium breeding will allow operators to produce tritium fusion fuel on-site and will be a crucial component for commercial fusion operations in the future."

Wastewater recycling startup CEO says we need to overhaul our ‘flush and forget’ society

Wastewater recycling startup CEO says we need to overhaul our ‘flush and forget’ society

“'We are capturing all the dirty water that you would normally send into the sewer, and we’re turning that into clean water, into soil, and into recovered wastewater heat,' said CEO Aaron Tartakovsky. 'We are helping these buildings to recycle up to 95% of their water so that is 95% less fresh drinking water we have to pull in from the city supply, and we can instead recycle water right on site, right where it’s produced.'"

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