“This alarmism is not only false but morally unjust. It leads us to make poor decisions based on fear, when the world not only has gotten better, but will be even better over the century.”
Nature-Based Solutions Can Reel In Multiple Climate Benefits, But Energy Systems Not Off The Hook
“NBS can help cushion the impacts of warming, but not sufficiently to allow any relaxation in the ambition or urgency of meeting emissions reductions targets.”
The Amazing Secret To Cutting 25% Of Carbon Could Be Under Your Feet
“One such company, Soil Carbon Co., based in Australia’s New South Wales, claims that by tailoring communities of microbes that live within farm soil, humans can potentially turn back the clock on human emissions while producing better crops.”
Climate change has a cow and worm problem
“That’s a large discrepancy, especially given how much domesticated livestock is already contributing to climate change. Livestock make up 60 percent of all the mammal biomass on Earth, and livestock industries are responsible for more than 14 percent of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions.”
Asbestos could be a powerful weapon against climate change (you read that right)
“Woodall and his advisor Jennifer Wilcox, a carbon removal researcher, are among a growing number of scientists exploring ways to accelerate these otherwise slow reactions in hopes of using mining waste to fight climate change.”
Walmart Sets Goal to Become a Regenerative Company
"The commitments we’re making today not only aim to decarbonize Walmart’s global operations, they also put us on the path to becoming a regenerative company – one that works to restore, renew and replenish in addition to preserving our planet, and encourages others to do the same."
5 Things To Know About Hurricanes And Climate Change After The Vice Presidential Debate
"In summary, the consensus on climate change and hurricanes is that we will likely have fewer of them, but when they occur, they will be stronger (on average). There also may be changes in their forward speed, rainfall production, and latitudinal extent. I encourage the public, media, and policymakers to discuss hurricane - climate change connections properly."
There’s Clean Aluminum and Dirty Aluminum. Can Anyone Tell the Difference?
“By most accounts, aluminum has a growing role to play in the emerging lower-carbon economy. Aluminum makes up about 8% of solar panels, by weight, and it is also used to make automobiles lighter and more fuel efficient.”
Ocean Energy Is Vital To The Low Carbon 2.0 Energy Transition
“One of the most promising untapped resources can be found in the ocean. While ocean currents flow at only 15%-20% of typical wind farm wind speeds, the density of water—approximately 800 times greater than air—yields much higher energy from these flows.”
This Startup’s Building A Factory To Sustainably Turn Natural Gas Into Fertilizer
“The company has a process that it uses to break apart natural gas to produce carbon black, which is commonly used in materials like rubber, as well as hydrogen, which can be used for a variety of purposes—in this case, being combined with nitrogen to create ammonia.”