Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Five Ways to Help Lower Gas Prices

Five Ways to Help Lower Gas Prices

While the U.S. can’t control supply disruptions in other countries or when demand increases in India, there are policy levers Congress and the administration can pull to help in the short and intermediate run.

The Fusion Energy Fast Forward

The Fusion Energy Fast Forward

You may have heard the cliché to say that “fusion is always 10 years away.” I’ve been hearing that since the beginning of my career. It was ten years away in the late 90s, and it was still ten years away just a few years ago. It’s the unattainable goalpost just over the horizon. 

A Different Approach to Permitting Reform

A Different Approach to Permitting Reform

Permitting reform must continue to be a priority. The latest proposal was a modest but important step. If enacted, it would have accelerated leasing of federal lands for every form of energy production, made it easier to build electricity transmission lines, and expedited the judicial review of all those actions. But it would still have...

Argonne’s nuclear energy research drives innovation in Gen-IV reactor safety and efficiency

Argonne’s nuclear energy research drives innovation in Gen-IV reactor safety and efficiency

All U.S. nuclear reactors, which currently provide more than half of the nation’s carbon-free power, are first- or second-generation light water reactors. This means they use water as both a coolant and neutron moderator to control the nuclear reaction and produce useful electricity. However, the growing need for more clean energy is prompting scientific experts,...

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