Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Inside a (nearly) ‘net-zero’ natural gas plant

Inside a (nearly) ‘net-zero’ natural gas plant

"While this is a demonstration facility and relatively small compared to a full-sized, natural gas plant (25 megawatts compared to a range of 100 to 1,800 megawatts for a commercial plant), it’s an example of innovative efforts in a small but growing segment of the oil and gas industry to find ways to reduce emissions associated with using their products."

US summer home power bills to jump by nearly 8%, energy policy organizations say

US summer home power bills to jump by nearly 8%, energy policy organizations say

"Mid-Atlantic and west coast states are forecast to have the biggest hikes in home electricity costs from June to September, jumping about 12% from the same period last year, said NEADA and CEPC, which are both Washington-based policy organizations focused on affordable energy access for people with low incomes. Steep rises of about 10% are also likely for Midwestern states and parts of the U.S. south, the organizations said."

Massive forest restoration project makes steadfast progress: ‘This will be the largest natural structure on the planet’

Massive forest restoration project makes steadfast progress: ‘This will be the largest natural structure on the planet’

"So, how does it work? TREES supports smallholder farmers with training, seeds, tools, and grants to grow 'forest gardens' instead of tired old monocultures. Supporting biodiversity helps to protect the health of the soil. Groups of farmers get regular support from lead farmers to nurture plots with around 5,800 diverse trees on just one hectare (2.5 acres)."

The US oil and gas industry is emitting less carbon than it used to

The US oil and gas industry is emitting less carbon than it used to

"Despite the setback on combustion emissions, the overall emissions intensity of Permian energy production fell considerably. Methane intensity of gas extraction fell by 78 percent, and overall greenhouse gas intensity fell by 47 percent. In short, the Permian is producing far more gas and oil than it was seven years ago, but it’s doing so in a more carbon-efficient manner, which has prevented methane and carbon emissions from rising at the same rates as production."

The carbon credit industry attempts a comeback

The carbon credit industry attempts a comeback

"Supporters of using carbon credits, which include influential climate advocacy groups such as the Bezos Earth Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation and multinational banks tasked with financing economic development, say the two-year long effort to improve standards can make these credits a key source of desperately needed funds for decarbonization efforts in Africa, Latin America and South and Southeast Asia."

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