Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Can AI help create less carbon-intensive concrete?

Can AI help create less carbon-intensive concrete?

"Once the AI model came up with lower-carbon recipes for concrete, the researchers tasked a concrete supplier with whipping up the new batches. And since the new formulas had performed well in testing, Meta used them in construction on its data center in DeKalb, Illinois—specifically a guard tower and an office building for the construction crew."

Reliable Power During the Energy Transition Requires Natural Gas

Reliable Power During the Energy Transition Requires Natural Gas

Todd Snitchler writes in RealClearEnergy on the importance of natural gas in an energy transition. “Until battery storage is available at sufficient scale to smooth over the natural ebbs and flows of intermittent generation, we will need natural gas to remain part of the vital fuel mix.” Read the full article here.

Can Competition Remake the Electricity Industry?

Can Competition Remake the Electricity Industry?

"Part of the problem is our outdated regulatory paradigm. In electric utility regulation, the monopoly model implemented in the early 20th century still persists in some parts of the country. The results are bad for consumers, including a $30b upgrade to one monopoly nuclear plant and a $9b tab for another that was never finished."

Wastewater recycling startup CEO says we need to overhaul our ‘flush and forget’ society

Wastewater recycling startup CEO says we need to overhaul our ‘flush and forget’ society

“'We are capturing all the dirty water that you would normally send into the sewer, and we’re turning that into clean water, into soil, and into recovered wastewater heat,' said CEO Aaron Tartakovsky. 'We are helping these buildings to recycle up to 95% of their water so that is 95% less fresh drinking water we have to pull in from the city supply, and we can instead recycle water right on site, right where it’s produced.'"

Huge Growth In Fusion Energy Industry, Shows New Report

Huge Growth In Fusion Energy Industry, Shows New Report

"The new FIA survey shows that electricity generation remains the primary market for 85% of fusion players, followed by off grid energy or hydrogen and clean fuels (each named by 27% of respondents), highlighting the potential of fusion to produce not just electricity to the grid but as a way to enable deep decarbonization across the global economy."

Nuclear option? What’s next for ‘clean’ hydrogen

Nuclear option? What’s next for ‘clean’ hydrogen

David Iaconangelo of E&E News reports on a new nuclear hydrogen group. “Members of the initiative include the Nuclear Energy Institute, nuclear operators like Constellation Energy and Entergy Nuclear, hydrogen equipment suppliers like Bloom Energy and Siemens AG, hydrogen vehicle producer Nikola Corp., and researchers at the Idaho National Laboratory and the National Nuclear Laboratory....

French sorghum farmer defies drought with sustainable crop

French sorghum farmer defies drought with sustainable crop

"'Sorghum allows for a new kind of agriculture, more sustainable, as it preserves resources,' said Coutte, 40, standing in a field of waist-high sorghum in Saint-Escobille, 75 km (47 miles) south of the French capital. 'We must think about tomorrow's agriculture, and how we can produce food without massive water use.'"

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