Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Radical Technology Aims to Rev Up Oceans’ Power to Cool the World

Radical Technology Aims to Rev Up Oceans’ Power to Cool the World

"Vesta said its work in North Carolina will remove about 6,000 metric tons of carbon over several years. Its sand mixture acts like an antacid, boosting water’s alkalinity and its ability to absorb more carbon. The company previously conducted what it said was promising research in the Dominican Republic but decided other sites would be better for initial deployments. It then ran a successful small-scale test in New York."

The Center for American Progress’s “Climate Deniers” who are Promoting Climate Solutions

The Center for American Progress’s “Climate Deniers” who are Promoting Climate Solutions

Below is a list of the Republican members of Congress who the Center for American Progress (CAP) labeled as “The Climate Deniers of the 117th Congress” who are actually promoting solutions to climate change. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers “The climate is changing. Humans and global industrial activity are contributing. Thankfully, there are realistic free-market solutions...

Devon Energy Establishes New Environmental Performance Targets Including Net Zero GHG Emissions

Devon Energy Establishes New Environmental Performance Targets Including Net Zero GHG Emissions

"Devon’s emission reduction strategy will involve a range of potential actions including expanding its leak detection and repair program; implementing advanced leak detection technologies; reducing the volume of natural gas that is flared; electrifying facilities to reduce the use of natural gas and diesel consumed onsite, including transitioning from gas-driven to air-driven pneumatic controllers; and optimizing facility design to minimize leaks and eliminate common equipment failures."

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