Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Put conservatives back into conservation

Put conservatives back into conservation

"We all care about the environment; after all, this is our home and the world we will pass down to our children and grandchildren. Where we differ is how to steward the resources we’ve been given. As conservatives, we believe stewardship means using our resources wisely."

Climatists for Nukes

Climatists for Nukes

"[The authors] show that the greens’ argument that nuclear power is uncompetitive is hypocritical nonsense, as it has only become uncompetitive in places where regulatory sabotage has made it so."

More cleantech companies fail as fundraising challenges emerge

More cleantech companies fail as fundraising challenges emerge

"Part of the challenge for cleantech companies is the number of rising sectors that are now competing for funding. '[Cleantech] companies have struggled to grow revenues at margins that would chart a path to profitability,' said Bilal Zuberi, a general partner at Lux Capital. 'Venture capitalists have seen a larger-than-expected portion of their [cash] reserves called into other sectors like AI, life sciences and defence tech.'"

Republicans to unveil a GOP-only climate caucus

Republicans to unveil a GOP-only climate caucus

"The group will be open only to Republican lawmakers and will be used to share science and data about climate change, clean energy and jobs, according to three sources close to the effort. It's being spearheaded by Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) and is expected to be unveiled in the coming weeks, with membership numbering about two dozen lawmakers."

To make energy green, remove red tape

To make energy green, remove red tape

R Street’s Josiah Neeley writes in The Hill that in order to make energy green, Congress must first remove red tape. “Over the next month, the Senate will review several Biden administration infrastructure bills that would spend as much as $4.1 trillion. But money isn’t America’s biggest obstacle to building up clean infrastructure. An excess of governmental...

To Fix the Climate, We Need a Million Norman Borlaugs

To Fix the Climate, We Need a Million Norman Borlaugs

From Todd Myers at The Dispatch: The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reenergized the debate about how to reduce risks from the increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. Many on the left are calling for a massive and expensive government-run Green New Deal, and President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending...

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