Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Conservative Gathering at COP Confirms Climate is No Longer a One-Party Issue

Conservative Gathering at COP Confirms Climate is No Longer a One-Party Issue

COP26, the annual United Nations gathering to discuss climate change, is in its second week in Glasgow, UK. As might be expected since it deals with the touchy issue of climate change, COP26 has attracted many protestors and activists who are demanding that various governments do more. These activists have protested in the streets, held...

China’s Xi Says Climate Targets Can’t Compromise Energy Security

China’s Xi Says Climate Targets Can’t Compromise Energy Security

"Xi has long stressed the need to strengthen domestic oil and gas production. But his latest, broader, comments once again bring China’s persistent anxieties around the supply of food, energy and materials to the fore. And they highlight how the campaign to reduce emissions has at times come into direct conflict with efforts to check commodities prices, which have surged over the past year in large part because of a shortage of coal and rising power costs."

How to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

How to Solve Europe’s Energy Crisis

"Allowing climate activists and political leaders to shame natural gas is why European gas purchasers are reluctant to sign long-term contracts, the absence of which exposes them to price volatility. The best course of action is for the EU to host a forum like the one held in 2018 to restore cooperation on LNG and expand the supply and price stability experienced by nations with long-term contracts with U.S. LNG suppliers."

Converting plastic waste into porous carbon for capturing carbon dioxide

Converting plastic waste into porous carbon for capturing carbon dioxide

"Besides climate change, which is mostly the result of our carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, plastic pollution stands as one of the most critical environmental concerns of this decade. The sheer quantity of discarded and misplaced plastic is dealing irreparable damage to Earth's ecosystems, affecting our crops and contaminating our water supplies. If we are to transition into truly sustainable societies, we need to find efficient ways to repurpose discarded plastics."

Russian invasion underscores strategic value of American energy

Russian invasion underscores strategic value of American energy

"The men and women producing America’s oil and natural gas are committed to supporting their local economies and communities and are working hard every day to help advance our country’s security interests. With support from this administration, we can together firmly establish the U.S. as a stable supplier of energy for Europe and our allies around the globe for decades to come."

More Mining at Home Is a Win-Win for Environment and Defense

More Mining at Home Is a Win-Win for Environment and Defense

"A domestic mining and REE industry can only serve to fix long-standing dependence on China for crucial defense materials and allow for a cleaner and more efficient energy transition. Conserving the environment to the point where no mine, industrial site, or manufacturing hub can be developed in the U.S. will come back to haunt Americans."

Will the Biden administration let one company kill US solar?

Will the Biden administration let one company kill US solar?

"Historically, import tariffs have been a blunt instrument with a track record littered with unintended consequences. Trump-era tariffs on Chinese modules (which the Biden administration opted to extend) have contributed to the U.S. having some of the world’s highest utility-scale solar costs."

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