"While the capacity of solar installed at schools is up, so to is the total number of schools with solar installations, rising 81% since 2014. As of 2020, 7,332 schools nationwide have solar systems accounting for 1,337 MW of capacity."
GM accelerates electric vehicle plans with billions more in investment
"General Motors plans to boost its cumulative investment in electric and autonomous vehicles to $35 billion from 2020-2025, a significant jump from a $27 billion target."
Reaching greenhouse gas emissions goals depends on innovation
"If the administration wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in an economically sustainable way, then his plan needs to focus on energy innovation like we have seen with wind, solar, and, especially, natural gas in recent years."
The Modern Case for Competition in Power Markets
Almost by definition, a competitive wholesale market satisfies consumer preferences better than possible for a monopolistic market.
The Swiss Say ‘No,’ ‘Nein,’ to Costly Climate Regulations
"From a broader policy perspective, the right way to ensure a cleaner and healthier environment is through free market principles, which have proven to deliver environmental success. The most remarkable improvements in clean energy use and energy efficiency over the past decades have occurred not as a result of government command and control, but because of advances in economic freedom."
Climate Policy by Judicial Decree
"The Obama Administration often used this 'sue and settle' strategy to bypass Congress."
Cryptocurrency can be a Force for Environmental Good
Cryptocurrency can accelerate the deployment of greener technologies.
Electric vehicle manufacturer Canoo plugs into Oklahoma’s future
"What began with an oil boom has diversified into an all-of-the-above energy approach. Today, 40% of our power comes from renewable sources, including wind and solar. We have the second-most affordable electricity in the country, and we have the most electric vehicle charging stations per capita."
With New Caucus, Conservatives Can Win on Climate
Our side can win by putting conservation back into conservatism, calling out ineffective Democratic climate plans, and championing real climate solutions that will benefit all Americans. That’s the conservative approach to climate change.