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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Does China Really Pick Winners?

Does China Really Pick Winners?

"China is a formidable economic competitor, but the key to its success is the energy and ingenuity of its people, not central planning and state subsidies. The strength of the U.S. system is free-market competition and a rule of law that allow innovation and the private allocation of capital. Washington won’t subsidize any more wisely than Beijing does."

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

Somewhere Between “No More Meat” and “It’s a Hoax:” The Electoral Case for Commonsense Environmentalism

"Republicans need to make the case for commonsense environmental policies like nuclear transformation. It’s the middle ground between banning meat to save the environment and bashing environmental concerns as a hoax. By focusing on local and community based climate solutions, an all-of-the-above approach to energy, and an acceptance of anthropogenic climate change, Republicans can win over young voters."

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

Biden greenlights massive Arctic drilling project

"The decision to greenlight ConocoPhillips’ Willow project comes on the heels of sweeping conservation measures the White House revealed late Sunday night to bar future drilling in the Arctic Ocean and tighten up conservation in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, where the $8 billion Willow project will be located."

New IPCC Report Should Inspire Hope, Not Panic

New IPCC Report Should Inspire Hope, Not Panic

Elijah Gullett writes in RealClearEnergy about the latest UN climate change report. “The IPCC report will undoubtedly produce more doomsday headlines in the coming weeks, but rather than embrace despair, we should use the IPCC’s insights to prepare for climate challenges. We have all the tools we need to combat climate change: human ingenuity and...

Onsite Nuclear Provides 24/7 Clean Power

Onsite Nuclear Provides 24/7 Clean Power

"SMRs promise data centers what they’re looking for: a reliable, low-cost, carbon-free energy source that yields round-the-clock uptime. Data centers of all sorts (hyperscale, colocation, or telecom) can use SMRs to secure the energy independence they need to overcome bottlenecks in the grid and to avoid competition for energy with local communities."

Abandoned coal mines may be gold mines for geothermal energy

Abandoned coal mines may be gold mines for geothermal energy

"Geothermal energy from coal mines can be used not only to heat homes and buildings, but also to cool them. That opens up many more opportunities, especially for data centers. They are some of the worst carbon offenders, using vast amounts of energy and requiring thousands of gallons of water to cool themselves. Now, researchers in Scotland are studying how hot air from data centers can be pumped into coal mines and then recovered from the water to heat other buildings."

An American Oil Hub Is Pivoting to Offshore Wind

An American Oil Hub Is Pivoting to Offshore Wind

"The number of active projects show that the Gulf's offshore expertise, earned through decades of oil and gas operations, translates well to supporting wind farms currently under construction. Out of about 1,200 contracts signed by US companies for offshore needs like survey work, electric substations and cables, companies in the Gulf and the South have scored 23% of the total, according to a tally kept by the industry group Business Network for Offshore Wind." 

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