Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

To Track a Forest’s Recovery, Artificial Intelligence Just Listens

To Track a Forest’s Recovery, Artificial Intelligence Just Listens

"Traditional methods of tracking biodiversity include metabarcoding, a type of analysis that looks at short snippets of DNA to identify specific populations of species. The researchers found that bioacoustic monitoring led to similar findings as this more direct method but can be accomplished at a lower cost and with less intrusion on the environment."

Carbon Removal Isn’t Just for Corporations. Individuals Are Paying For It, Too

Carbon Removal Isn’t Just for Corporations. Individuals Are Paying For It, Too

"Other carbon removal companies, from Undo Carbon in London to Noya in San Francisco, have also started selling services to individuals. Climeworks, for its part, has attracted nearly 20,000 individual buyers to participate in its carbon removal program since 2019. As it takes time for companies to build out infrastructure to remove carbon and undergo a third-party validation of their work, it’s not uncommon for buyers to wait for years until their purchases can be delivered."

The heavy lift of getting shovels in the ground

The heavy lift of getting shovels in the ground

"The key is to drive down the green premium and make green product prices competitive against fossil-based product prices – and that’s going to require more than just government subsidies. Financing these projects requires thinking beyond the traditional market to overcome the investment risks involved. It’s going to require the public and private sector working together to deploy these projects."

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