"For years, companies have been trying to harness this process to provide practically limitless sustainable energy here on Earth. Now, Tokamak Energy says it has brought us one crucial step closer to achieving this goal."
Earmarks Disproportionately Help “Rich, White Areas” According to New Analysis
With Congress invested in rebuilding the “earmark favor factory” taxpayers can expect more examples of waste and corruption.
Socialism Cannot Solve Climate Change
The ideological pitfalls and abhorrent track record of socialism prove that its ideas are anathema to human nature, and inadequate for solving any climate change challenges.
Solving our Plastic Problem
Investment is needed in ingenious solutions to the existing pollution problem, and preventative strategies to ensure we can keep necessary living standards affordable for consumers, while reducing the intrusion of crude by-products into landfills, lakes, and dinner-plates.
Could Outer Space be the Key to Expanding our Supply of Rare Metals?
Just as the original space race was a muscular assertion of the supremacy of American enterprise and industry, this new space resource scramble is motivated by the need to reduce reliance on our totalitarian adversaries. We were first to the moon to show the world that socialism is not the way. Now, we could be first to mine the stars, to put cleaner cars on our roads.
Green Energy Projects Frustrated by Red Tape
Bold climate action will come by addressing the underlying systemic regulatory problems that stall green growth.
Congressman Buddy Carter Outlines Conservative Climate Solutions
As conservatives engage in this space, leaders such as Representative Carter will be needed to offer durable and pragmatic climate solutions that bolster our natural and economic environment.
One Unexpected Sustainable Architecture Tool: Oysters
Green innovation comes in many forms, but it is not every day that they include putting live animals (humanely) to work. The impact of SCAPE Studio’s research and phenomenal implementation will be felt worldwide.
Eco-Modernism: The Cure to Climate Nihilism
Our environmentalism must increase human prosperity if it is to work and to make a world worth living in.
Reduce Mining Regulations to Bolster a Secure Energy Future
To accelerate mining production of rare earth metals and elements, our government will need to modernize regulations to encourage the cleanest, safest and most technologically advanced mines and separation plants ever created to flourish.