C3 Solutions, in Agriculture Innovation 101, writes about the importance of farmers and ranchers in the fight to address climate change. “The agricultural sector is an ally, not a foe, in the fight against climate change. Farmers and ranchers across the nation are implementing practices and technologies that benefit both the environment and our economy, and further...
Natural Gas 101
"While no fuel source is perfect, attacks on natural gas are largely misguided. Today, the natural gas industry is continually innovating and finding ways to deliver its fuel in cleaner and safer ways."
The Green New Deal 101
"The Green New Deal (GND) is pitched as a plan to save the planet from climate change; in reality, however, it is a progressive wishlist that would greatly expand the federal government’s powers at the expense of everyday Americans, while doing little for the environment."
Innovative Agriculture Just Got a $53 Million Boost
Iron Ox is paving the way toward the future of precision agriculture, one plant at a time.
Geothermal Energy 101
C3 Solutions outlines the benefits of geothermal energy in its Geothermal Energy 101 policy paper. “Geothermal energy is labeled ‘America’s untapped energy giant’ by the Department of Energy, and for good reason. With lower lifecycle emissions than solar and a greater capacity factor than wind, geothermal is a renewable energy source that can produce abundant...
Chevron commits to net zero operational emissions by 2050
"Chevron Corp (CVX.N) on Monday set a target to cut operational emissions to net zero by 2050, joining a list of energy companies taking steps to reduce their carbon footprint."
The Christian Call to Care for the Earth
While climate change and environmental policy are often tinged with partisanship, it doesn’t have to be that way. We may not all come to the same conclusions on which policies are best, but there are God-honoring solutions available for everyone to support.
Joe Biden Wants To Spend Trillions on Infrastructure. His Environmental Reforms Ensure He’ll Have To.
"Late last week, the White House's Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) announced that it intends to undo the prior president's changes to the regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)."
Concrete industry says carbon capture a key to hitting emissions targets
"The plan includes finding and substituting more alternatives to clinker, a binder of cement, more use of alternative fuels, new chemistry and manufacturing processes, carbon capture and storage, increased efficiency in concrete use and pushing governments to approve new forms of concrete and buy them."
Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. roads vulnerable to flooding — report
"First Street’s latest report builds on its growing analysis of the nation’s flood risk. The foundation-funded group gained national attention last year when it counted the number of homes that face a 1 percent annual chance of being flooded and found millions of homes to be at risk even though federal flood maps placed them outside of local flood zones."