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The Justices Send a Message to Congress

The Justices Send a Message to Congress

"The six conservatives on the court, in an opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts, have officially declared the 'major questions doctrine'—a concept that has appeared in a handful of past court decisions—to be a living, breathing principle. The federal bureaucracy is no longer allowed to impose programs of major 'economic and political significance' on the country absent 'clear congressional authorization.' Hallelujah."

Embattled Maine power line foreshadows U.S. climate obstacles

Embattled Maine power line foreshadows U.S. climate obstacles

Benjamin Storrow of E&E News reports on a power line in Maine that would deliver clean energy to the state. “Experts say new transmission is needed not only to connect clean energy projects to the grid, but to ship electricity back and forth across regions to accommodate fluctuations in renewable output. When the National Academies...

GOP Needs to Leave Trump Behind on Trade

GOP Needs to Leave Trump Behind on Trade

"The reality is that tariffs harm most manufacturing jobs. Roughly 60% of all goods imported are intermediary goods or materials used for domestic manufacturing, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Many pipeline-manufacturing companies import specialty casings for oil and gas projects. How ironic for any Republican to call for an 'all of the above' energy policy yet support making hydrocarbons more difficult and expensive to produce through protectionism."

Drones and satellites are making better, life-saving hurricane forecasts

Drones and satellites are making better, life-saving hurricane forecasts

"For storm intensity forecasts in particular, NOAA has been developing a new system known as HAFS — the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System — and hopes to implement it next spring. HAFS will 'provide an operational analysis and forecast out to seven days' and allow scientists 'to see multiple storms at once to understand how they interact,' NOAA says."

UK Forbids Fracking After One Week

UK Forbids Fracking After One Week

"Additional energy development would lower electricity and gasoline bills, giving people more income. It would give the UK independence from friendly energy producers, such as the United States, and unfriendly ones, such as Russia and OPEC. As the UK moves to reduce its budget deficit by cutting spending and increasing growth, using its existing energy resources should be an important part of the package."

U.S. Coal Plant Closures Continue, While China Rapidly Builds More

U.S. Coal Plant Closures Continue, While China Rapidly Builds More

Darrell Proctor writes for Power about coal plant closures in the United States. “China announced the new-builds during the first half of this year, despite the country’s pledge to become carbon neutral by 2060. Chinese officials have said they are looking at an emissions peak for the country before 2030.” Read the full article here.

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