Through energy innovation such as this, companies like X-energy are bolstering American energy security in an economically and environmentally feasible way.
Nuclear and Hydrogen: A Clean Energy Love Story
Hydrogen and nuclear can work together to lower emissions and provide clean, reliable, and affordable energy to all Americans.
It is Time to Revoke China’s Free Environmental Pass
No matter how much the United States reduces its emissions, no progress will be made if one nation is allowed to emit more than entire continents combined.
Market Solutions Come for Elk Population Management
The Property and Environment Research Center (PERC) has launched the Paradise Valley Brucellosis Compensation Fund, a new tool designed to support ranchers in Montana who own prime elk habitat.
NASA Research is Unleashing a Vertical Farming Boom
In the future, expect the private sector to continue developing sustainable methods to increase food production around the world.
Dow and X-energy Collaborate on Grid-Scale SMR Project
Dow will deploy X-energy's Xe-100 small modular reactor at Dow's Seadrift site along the Texas Gulf Coast.
Say Goodbye to ‘Forever Chemicals’: Meet the Startup Tackling PFAS
As demand for PFAS removal services soars, the private sector is stepping in to deliver solutions that have the potential to eliminate even the most pervasive man-made chemicals.
Economic and Environmental Lessons from Switzerland
The way to unlock the power of society and the private sector is by giving people the freedom to innovate.
Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells Have the Potential to Power a Cleaner Energy Future
Through innovation and ingenuity, the private sector is turning environmental hazards into sources of clean, reliable energy production.