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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Permitting Hell vs. Climate Hell at COP27

Permitting Hell vs. Climate Hell at COP27

"And federal red tape is not the only problem. Energy expert and author of A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations, Robert Bryce has compiled a handy database of solar and wind projects that have been rejected by local U.S. jurisdictions. Since 2015, some 371 wind farms and 102 solar plants have succumbed to 'not in my backyard'-ism."

X-energy to go public via $2 billion blank-check deal

X-energy to go public via $2 billion blank-check deal

Reuters reports that X-energy will go public. “Climate awareness and investor interest in sustainable business practices have surged this year with money managers looking to factor in environmental social governance (ESG) policies as impact-investing gains momentum.” Read the full article here.

Compared to Europe, the American farm system is more efficient and sustainable

Compared to Europe, the American farm system is more efficient and sustainable

"Ultimately, we should recognize the wonders of modern agriculture. The benefits of high-yield farming are apparent: We feed more people more sustainably, all while having to charge them less for it. For instance, we need 60 percent fewer cows yet produce twice as much milk as we did in the 1930s. We need to build on these types of successes to make our food system more efficient and sustainable."

Nuclear Power? Have No Fear—Our Clean Energy Future Is Radioactive.

Nuclear Power? Have No Fear—Our Clean Energy Future Is Radioactive.

"There’s no low-carbon transition where power stays reliable and affordable without nuclear. Once they’re built, these plants are cheap: the fuel is cheaper than gas and coal, you’ve got some maintenance (which, by the way, you’ve also got on wind and solar), and a plant can operate for 80 years. And again, it's all based on mature technology that’s already powering our homes and businesses. The possibilities for fusion—the process of combining atoms to create energy that saw a breakthrough in December—are a whole ‘nother conversation."

Carbon Capture Permit Backlog Threatens Climate Progress

Carbon Capture Permit Backlog Threatens Climate Progress

"If we want to reduce emissions we must deploy more clean energy technologies at scale in the United States. When it comes to CCS, the financial interest, bipartisan support and government incentives are all there to do so. We just need the EPA to act with the urgency we all agree is necessary."

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