Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

California’s Solar-Power Welfare State

California’s Solar-Power Welfare State

"The dirty little secret about green energy subsidies is that they are welfare for the wealthy. And like any entitlement, they are hard to reform once people get hooked. Witness the revolt by the rich against a California proposal to scale back subsidies for rooftop-solar panels."

Biden’s Solar Panel Tariffs Make It Costlier To Meet Biden’s Climate Goals

Biden’s Solar Panel Tariffs Make It Costlier To Meet Biden’s Climate Goals

Eric Boehm of Reason writes on Biden’s solar tariffs. >>>One Simple Trick that Biden can do to Accelerate Clean Energy<<< buy zestril online “The administration wants to force consumers to pay higher prices to please domestic solar companies (which petitioned the White House to extend the tarrifs), then use tax dollars to offset the...

Daines, Tester introduce bipartisan bill to help clean up Montana’s abandoned mines

Daines, Tester introduce bipartisan bill to help clean up Montana’s abandoned mines

"Montana has approximately 6,000 abandoned hardrock mines according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Organizations that have no legal or financial responsibility to an abandoned mine – true Good Samaritans – want to participate in reclamation. Unfortunately, liability and bureaucratic red-tape could leave these Good Samaritans legally liable for circumstances outside of their control, even though they had no involvement with the mine prior to cleaning it up."

Biden extends, but modifies, Trump-era solar tariffs, says official

Biden extends, but modifies, Trump-era solar tariffs, says official

"The decision represents a balancing act by the Biden administration to meet the demands of two important political constituencies: union labor, which supports import restrictions to protect domestic jobs, and clean energy developers keen to access overseas supplies that are cheaper than U.S.-made goods."

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