Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

We won’t solve climate change without the private sector

We won’t solve climate change without the private sector

"We should be streamlining regulation to unleash the power of innovation against our growing emissions challenge. The private sector has made incredible strides across sectors and industries and was crucial to helping the nation through the worst of the pandemic. And if COVID-19 has taught us anything, it’s how fast the market can solve problems when the government gets out of the way."

Young Americans Still Searching for Real Climate Leadership, According to New ACC Poll

Young Americans Still Searching for Real Climate Leadership, According to New ACC Poll

The American Conservation Coalition (ACC) has released new polling on climate change. “Despite climate policy remaining a divisive topic in Congress, our survey showed that some solutions are hugely popular among young people. For example, nature-based solutions, as well as wind and solar power, unite young Americans despite their other policy disagreements.” Read more here....

A Nuclear Energy Solution to Prevent Russian Dominance

A Nuclear Energy Solution to Prevent Russian Dominance

"A new generation of American advanced reactors will make immense contributions to global security, U.S. economic growth, and climate action if we let them. If not, the U.S. could fail to meet its own clean energy pledges while also losing ground to China and Russia on technological innovation."

Help Solve Climate Change through Deregulation

Help Solve Climate Change through Deregulation

"Turning out the lights is not an option. We will power our moden economy one way or the other, and if it is too difficult or costly to deploy clean energy sources and to construct the infrastructure upon which it relies, we will stick with dirtier and more carbon-intensive energy sources."

Environmentalists against Green Energy

Environmentalists against Green Energy

"It’s logically inconsistent to be pro–green energy and anti-construction. Yet that’s where the environmentalist movement seems to have landed in the U.S. It’s yet another indication of the completely incoherent energy agenda from the Left."

How US policies contribute to high energy prices

How US policies contribute to high energy prices

"Even as we implement policies that pave the way for a lower carbon energy future, we need to recognize reality and the inevitable outcomes of our actions. We can’t dismiss the essential role of natural gas and oil in our economy. We can’t ignore the laws of supply and demand. We can’t shrug off the dramatic impact that these policies have on households and businesses."

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