Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Fact-checking 5 claims in Russia energy debate

Fact-checking 5 claims in Russia energy debate

“'From a 30,000-foot level, I think there’s a lot of half-truths out there,' said Nick Loris, a vice president at C3 Solutions, a conservative firm that lobbies for climate policy and clean energy policy."

How can gas prices come down? The federal government and states could help ease pain at the pump

How can gas prices come down? The federal government and states could help ease pain at the pump

"Loris says that the Biden administration isn't entirely to blame for the high energy prices but that it could help ease prices in the longer term by changing course on its anti-fossil fuel policies, pointing to the president blocking the Keystone XL Pipeline and halting new federal land leases as moves that created further uncertainty in energy markets and discouraged investment."

Russian Oil Is Off the Table but the Jones Act Serves as a Barrier to Using Domestic Supplies

Russian Oil Is Off the Table but the Jones Act Serves as a Barrier to Using Domestic Supplies

"U.S. usage of Russian energy serves as a fresh reminder of the oft‐​overlooked harms inflicted by the Jones Act and the myriad ways it undermines both the country’s prosperity and national security. Let’s hope this sets the stage for a much‐​needed and long‐​overdue examination of this protectionist relic and the glaring failure of U.S. maritime policy."

Fighting Fire with Wildfire Prevention

Fighting Fire with Wildfire Prevention

The Biden administration recognizing that active forest management will reduce wildfire risks is a positive development. Congress providing $3 billion in funding toward preventative treatment is another positive development.

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