As Germany, Sri Lanka, and the Netherlands show, top-down government action hurts consumers and the environment.
Export Ban Would Mean Higher Gas Prices for Americans
"If the U.S. bans refined-product exports, countries in the Americas likely would replace many of those lost barrels with Russian products or Indian products derived from Russian crude. Either way, the U.S. would lose geopolitical influence in its own global backyard and likely cede it, at least in part, to Russia."
Republicans Are Leading Efforts on Energy, Climate Solutions
Climate change is here to stay and it’s up to our elected leaders to make it an issue that unites Americans rather than increases nationwide partisanship.
Dutch Farmer Protests, High Gas Prices Indicate Need for Pro-Consumer Climate Policy
Mob rule shouldn’t dictate policy, but the Dutch protests should be a wakeup call for policymakers to implement the necessary policy reforms to slash both prices and emissions.
What Congress Can Learn From the Dutch Farmer Protests
"Policymakers in the United States must learn from the EU’s mistakes and pursue avenues to empower farmers and ranchers to build on the success of providing more families with food at a smaller environmental cost."
Climate setbacks aren’t the end of climate action
"Passing bipartisan climate legislation promptly will require finding areas of common ground, rather than arguing over policies that divide Democrats and Republicans. Supporting clean energy development, increasing the climate resilience of communities, and improving energy efficiency are already areas of common ground that can be built upon."
NIMBYism Prohibiting Clean Energy Development, According to New Report
ClearPath’s report found that opposition to wind power in the Hawkeye State is growing. 16 of Iowa’s 99 counties have enacted local ordinances to hinder the deployment of wind.
Lack of investment and innovation adds to worries of grid failure and outages
"Every year, the largest, most complex machine in the world gets older and more worn down while the demands placed upon it continue to grow. The grid is strained by a host of threats — some foreseeable, others not so much. But one area we can control is adequate investment in maintaining, upgrading and transforming the grid."
Wind energy expansion faces strong headwinds across US, industry report shows
"In addition, locals in Iowa have consistently opposed new transmission line projects which are needed to carry energy from wind farms to plants, according to the report Friday. Every transmission project proposed over the last five years has faced opposition."
Slow and steady wins the climate race
"We will achieve climate progress not through Herculean vows, unattainable pledges, or unpassable packages but through meaningful legislation. Durable, bipartisan policy is possible, meaning that Democrats’ ambition and Republicans’ efficient approach can actually complement each other legislatively."