Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The problem Joe Manchin highlighted is crucial for America’s future

The problem Joe Manchin highlighted is crucial for America’s future

"The passion for preserving NEPA comes from environmental activists and lawyers who count on it to stall projects they have no legal basis to halt. This becomes obvious when they begin to list the many scary and polluting projects that they fear would move forward without sufficient NEPA review. But of course, laws already exist to prohibit a project that poses unacceptable environmental risk; it can be stopped without NEPA review. And if the activists wanted to put more projects off limits, they could lobby to make those laws tougher."

U.S. solar faces new barriers after year of ‘crisis’

U.S. solar faces new barriers after year of ‘crisis’

"Still, the legislation’s many boosts to solar might not overcome other counterweights, such as ongoing supply shortages, allegations of forced labor, uncertainty about a federal probe on tariffs and lengthening queues for solar farms to get on the electric grid, according to observers."

Wind Needs More Than the Inflation Reduction Act

Wind Needs More Than the Inflation Reduction Act

Rochelle Toplensky of The Wall Street Journal writes that clean energy needs more than the Inflation Reduction Act. “Slow permitting is a longstanding challenge partly because it is politically risky to reduce locals’ rights to challenge new projects. Senators promised to work on a deal to fast-track planning permissions for a range of energy infrastructure, including...

Biden wants minerals, but mine permitting lags

Biden wants minerals, but mine permitting lags

"The U.S. could hold enormous potential to produce these EV metals. Nevada is chock-full of lithium potential and experiencing a jolt in exploration for the metal. One company in Idaho is trying to mine the state’s 'cobalt belt.' Others in Alaska want to develop a coastal graphite deposit that could be one of the world’s largest — a hypothetical boon for U.S. battery makers."

To Protect Forests, They Must Be Logged and Burned

To Protect Forests, They Must Be Logged and Burned

Patrick Brown of the Breakthrough Institute writes on the importance of active forest management practices. “Together, theory, firefighting experience, and rigorous study have led to a strong mainstream consensus within the wildfire science community that reducing fuel loads reduces the likelihood of the types of fires that produce the most smoke, are the least controllable,...

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