"Two years of oil and gas restrictions, reduced refinery capacity, and political and social pressure on companies across the value chain of oil and gas have affected America’s ability to raise output quickly in the face of rising oil prices. It’s not too late to lower oil prices, but it will have to start at home."
Three Seas Initiative Could Save Europe From Energy Crisis
Washington should take the Three Seas Initiative seriously and readopt the win-win foreign policy agenda that the Trump administration had advocated just a few years ago.
New York Wind Project Drops Federal Funding To Avoid Federal Permitting Headaches
"The situation in Albany is a perfect example of why federal permitting reform is needed—and a telling illustration of how environmental regulations can stand in the way of environmentally friendly development like wind power."
Time for Big Tent Permitting Reform
It’s time for policymakers to be bold and thorough so that innovators, investors, and the private sector can meet consumers’ needs with better environmental outcomes.
Exclusive: White House rules out ban on natural gas exports this winter
Jarrett Renshaw and Trevor Hunnicutt of Reuters report that the White House has ruled out a ban on natural gas exports this winter. “The average cost of U.S. home heating is expected to rise 17.2% from last winter to $1,202, putting millions of low-income families at risk of falling behind on their energy bills, according...
Red Tape is Making Wildfires Worse
"But energy projects aren't the only area where the elimination of such red tape is needed: America's growing wildfire crisis has also been exasperated by bureaucratic sluggishness, and the problem deserves bipartisan attention."
Why does Biden continue to hold back the nuclear energy industry?
"But one-off efforts are not enough. The current energy crisis demands a rethinking of all U.S. energy policy. We have spent decades trying to murder the nuclear industry. We’ll need to do more to revive it."
Rep. Garret Graves Offers Comprehensive Climate Solutions
As the need for durable, pro-growth climate solutions becomes more clear, the work of Rep. Garret Graves and the Energy, Climate, and Conservation Task Force will be needed to reach our economic and environmental objectives.
GOP Needs to Leave Trump Behind on Trade
"The reality is that tariffs harm most manufacturing jobs. Roughly 60% of all goods imported are intermediary goods or materials used for domestic manufacturing, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Many pipeline-manufacturing companies import specialty casings for oil and gas projects. How ironic for any Republican to call for an 'all of the above' energy policy yet support making hydrocarbons more difficult and expensive to produce through protectionism."
Innovation through competition will drive America’s energy transition
"A cleaner and more cost-effective energy future is within reach through a competitive framework. Competitive power markets and power suppliers are leading the way by saving customers money, spurring innovation, retiring older, higher emitting resources, and investing in new low and zero emission resources, and accelerating environmental progress."