Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Energy decarbonization requires an all-of-the-above approach

Energy decarbonization requires an all-of-the-above approach

"Yes, part of the solution is to transition energy forms from emitting sources to non-emitting sources. Clean sources of energy — from wind and solar to nuclear energy and geothermal — couldn’t be more important. At this time, however, a full transition is unrealistic and would lower quality of life for millions of people."

The Age of Energy Insecurity

The Age of Energy Insecurity

"There is no reason to despair just yet. After all, the oil crisis of the 1970s sparked a great deal of innovation, including the development of today’s wind and solar technologies, greater efficiency in vehicles, and new government and multilateral institutions to make and coordinate energy policy. The policies and technologies that now seem old and outdated were once shiny and new. Today’s crisis may likewise lead to novel ideas and techniques, as long as policymakers fully grasp the new realities they face."

Rural America Needs Permitting Reform

Rural America Needs Permitting Reform

"As Chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus and Chairman of the Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee on the House Natural Resources Committee, we see the threat the Biden Administration poses to rural communities across the country, and we’re acting against it. If rural America is to continue producing the food, resources, and power our Nation depends on, the Senate needs to pass H.R. 1, and its permitting reform provisions now, before it’s too late."

Progressive Politicians Are Regulating Their Own Projects Into Oblivion

Progressive Politicians Are Regulating Their Own Projects Into Oblivion

"A well-functioning marketplace requires rules—institutions such as property rights, an unhindered system of profit and loss, and a fair and stable law of contract. It also requires an abundant level of freedom within the confines of these institutions. Fundamentally, most government interventions into the market tinker with these institutions and hamper that freedom."

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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