Few states better illustrate the promise and peril of the global debate around climate and energy issues than Alaska.
Conservatives’ decade of clean energy and climate leadership
"There is no shortage of conservative leaders in this space today, and they all have one thing in common: supporting American-driven innovation that allows us to lead the world in emissions reductions while also providing reliable, affordable, clean energy here at home and around the world."
Why regulatory hurdles need to be overcome for clean energy expansion
"By adopting a holistic approach that focuses on regulatory reform, reducing government bureaucracy, and moving away from abusive litigation practices, we can surmount the barriers hindering the transition towards a sustainable energy future."
Buy American, Build Nothing
"All the mandates, waivers, and box-checking add time and cost to government purchases. The law itself says BABA can increase costs by up to 25% on the entirety of a project. But according to some studies, products subject to Buy America requirements can easily cost more. The Federal Highway Administration, which already had to adhere to the old Buy America law, this month estimated that some of the new BABA requirements could cost more than $700 million a year to implement, although the agency admitted it didn’t calculate the expense of compliance and delays."
Grid technology could save billions but for a policy vacuum
"FERC’s proposed transmission planning rule requires regional plans to study Dynamic Line Ratings and Advanced Power Flow Control. This would be a leap forward for America’s grid, but FERC can’t stop there. Further, specific requirements will be needed, and incentive reform will drive utilities toward an optimized transmission grid. As more generation and storage plug in at the distribution level, we’ll also have to apply these tools on the lower voltage grid. This is another reason utilities must put GETs in their toolboxes today."
4 Ways AI Will Deliver Energy and Environmental Benefits
More knowledge, better data, and greater efficiency from AI will be critical to meeting the world’s energy needs and environmental goals.
Why Conservatives Should Own the Climate Issue
The best climate policies are good for people and the planet.
The SEC’s climate disclosure rule will be very expensive and produce minimal benefits
"We can all agree that if the climate changes, then most businesses will suffer consequences. But to ask each firm to assess the material impact of climate risks on its 'business strategy, operations, and financial conditions' would require firms to become experts in how and when such risks will manifest. This is beyond the scope of firms to assess and beyond the scope of the SEC to require."
Modern Mining, Outdated Permitting: Black Butte Copper Mine
It’s imperative that we reform the environmental permitting process to strike a better balance between environmental protection and responsible resource development.
Why Liberal Partisans Resent the Conservative Climate Caucus
The sooner conservatives blow up the narrative that they don’t care about climate change and don’t have any policy ideas, the sooner we’ll get to a serious debate about durable solutions that will be good for people and the planet.