“Republicans have a rich history in conservation. We're actually the founders of the conservation movement."
A Conservative Supreme Court Will be Better for Climate Action
"A more conservative Court will assure that federal climate action is firmly rooted in laws crafted by Congress. It also will force climate activists to choose a path to tackle climate action based on well-established federal and state jurisdictions."
Polling Politics
"These efforts, coupled with our continuing investments in technology-driven by clean energy market successes, are already providing the pathway to meaningful reductions in greenhouse gases – not bigger government, command and control approaches that prescribe what cars you can drive, what appliances you have in your house and whether you can keep the lights on."
On Climate, Amy Coney Barrett Will Be Fair on the Law, and Science
“A more conservative Court will assure that federal climate action is firmly rooted in laws crafted by Congress. It also will force climate activists to choose a path to tackle climate action based on well-established federal and state jurisdictions … Respecting states’ rights is not code for climate inaction; it clearly defines a path for policymaking success.”
An Economy Improves By Building Markets, Not Imposing Taxes
A better approach would use the power of markets to reduce carbon. Unleash free-market competition by reducing regulatory barriers, streamlining and accelerating permitting for clean energy, and getting rid of all energy subsidies.
Renewables Industry Faces Environmentalist Challenges
"If Taiwan fails to meet the green energy and natural gas goals while facing a hard deadline for eliminating nuclear power, it will either face power shortages or be forced to continue operating coal-fired power plants that were set to be retired."
In Final Debate, Trump Should Promote Urgency Over Climate Alarmism
In the final presidential debate President Trump has an opportunity to hit reset not just on the presidential race but on an announced topic that will be a subject of debates for decades: climate change.
The Misguided Attacks on Natural Gas
Whether it is traditional pollutants or greenhouse-gas emissions, more natural gas is moving America in the right direction. Natural gas exports are even paying environmental dividends around the world because the LNG is cleaner than burning coal or Russian-piped gas.”
The Green New Deal is awful but unlikely
“The adverse economic effects of a net-zero policy, even in its narrower dimension, would be huge, emerging sooner rather than later, and carrying with them serious political impacts. My estimate of the direct cost of only the electricity component of the Green New Deal is about a half trillion dollars per year, or about $4,000 annually per U.S. household, and that is based on a set of highly conservative assumptions.”
California’s Failed Climate Change Policy
“This year’s record-breaking fire season demonstrates that the State needs to take a less doctrinaire and more pragmatic approach toward addressing climate change.”