Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Put conservatives back into conservation

Put conservatives back into conservation

"We all care about the environment; after all, this is our home and the world we will pass down to our children and grandchildren. Where we differ is how to steward the resources we’ve been given. As conservatives, we believe stewardship means using our resources wisely."

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

Congressmen Ron Estes and Tracey Mann write on RealClearEnergy that America’s energy policy should be “all of the above” not “everything but.” “Republicans have an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence, embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy, and doesn’t allow Washington to pick winners and losers through massive subsidies. The...

Rubio Calls for Rare-Earth Industrial Policy

Rubio Calls for Rare-Earth Industrial Policy

"When we talk about an international 'free market,' we have to remember that the Chinese Communist Party is a player with ambitions to overtake America as the world’s strongest nation. Competing on such an unlevel playing field will require ingenuity in our policymaking to defend American firms and workers from manipulations of the market by China."

A nuclear frontier

A nuclear frontier

"For all the hysterical talk from the Green New Dealers of a renewable-only future, the simple truth remains: renewables will never be reliable enough to power the modern world. If we want to tackle climate change, reduce emissions, and power the grid, then we need the proper mix of energy. We need to make sure that nuclear not only stays on the grid, but grows on it."

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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