Rather than singling out a single source of energy production, policymakers should pursue an “all of the above approach” that empowers market forces to determine what energy source we should use to reduce costs and emissions.
New Polling Shows Where Young Conservatives Stand On The Environment
Fifty-one percent of those surveyed would be more likely to vote for a Republican candidate who supports clean energy expansion and addressing the climate challenge.
Climate change is warming public opinion to nuclear power
"So, today, some leaders of the anti-nuclear community are headed to the exits, while a new generation of pro-nuclear climate activists enters to take their place — although, admittedly, the shift is not universal. It is a change mirrored in Congress and among the public. In the face of the existential risk of climate change, there has been a significant reconsideration of nuclear energy and, I believe, it will lead to the widespread deployment of a new generation of advanced nuclear units. What a difference."
Whale Conservation and Lobstering Can Go Hand in Hand
Win-win policies that incentivize innovation and lower the costs of new technologies will empower the lobstermen to pursue their livelihoods while protecting the whales.
Gen Z’s Bipartisan Approach to Climate Solutions
While Gen Z may not agree on everything, it is clear that my generation is ready to lead on and advance durable bipartisan solutions to address climate change.
The Danger of Climate Extremism
If anyone seems intent on turning the world into a desert, it is the extremists who are committed to sabotaging any imperfect, yet durable, solution.
Why you probably shouldn’t blow up a pipeline
"But the atmosphere does not care about moral responsibility. Through sheer force of numbers, the Indian and Chinese people emit more carbon than American billionaires. Any political strategy for achieving decarbonization must therefore have an answer for how the Global South can industrialize sustainably."
Sorry, Tucker, Russia is Filthy
If Carlson succeeds in anesthetizing the United States into accepting the authoritarianism he reveres in Putin’s Russia, he won’t have to travel far to see how smothering freedom can damage our natural and economic environment.
The Economist’s 2024 Sustainability Week Examines Human Flourishing and Environmental Progress
The Economist’s 2024 Sustainability Week offers a chance to gain unique insights and strategies for how firms meet consumers’ needs, boost productivity, and meet sustainability goals.
Green is God
"Fortunately, this dark cloud comes with a silver lining: many have started to question their self-flagellation, and instead are returning to a more honest search for meaning. With any luck, exposing the destructive, nihilistic nature of Green Movement policies will awaken more hearts and minds to a tried and true alternative — human flourishing."