Jeff Moore of The Carolina Journal writes on the religiosity of the green movement.

- Church attendance and religious affiliation has been replaced by the religiosity of the green movement, especially in younger generations.
- This has negative impacts on not only mental health, but on the environment as well.
- Instead of promoting solutions rooted in economic freedom, which improves human prosperity and the environment, they have advanced degrowth and top-down energy policies.
- Fortunately, members of the environmental community are realizing these negative effects and are beginning to put forward solutions that help the planet and its people.
“Fortunately, this dark cloud comes with a silver lining: many have started to question their self-flagellation, and instead are returning to a more honest search for meaning. With any luck, exposing the destructive, nihilistic nature of Green Movement policies will awaken more hearts and minds to a tried and true alternative — human flourishing.”
Read the full article here.
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