Uprooted argues that our hometowns deserve better. They deserve the second thought that young people neglect to give them when they leave home for school, jobs, relationships and escape.
C3 Solutions Interviews Rick Santorum for “Right Voices” series
In addition to being the runner-up to the GOP nomination in 2012 and the former chair of the Senate Republican Conference, Sen. Santorum literally wrote the book on “Blue Collar Conservatives” back in 2014.
Climatists for Nukes
"[The authors] show that the greens’ argument that nuclear power is uncompetitive is hypocritical nonsense, as it has only become uncompetitive in places where regulatory sabotage has made it so."
U2 guitarist The Edge backs nuclear power as a solution to climate problem
"U2’s The Edge — Killiney, Co Dublin, resident David Evans — says that countries need to consider adopting next generation nuclear power in order to meet their climate change targets."
Climate Activists Smash Barclays HQ Windows To Protest Capitalism’s Role In Climate Change
"Activists from the Extinction Rebellion group used hammers and chisels to break windows at Barclays Bank’s global headquarters in London Wednesday to protest the bank’s 'continued investments in activities that are directly contributing to the climate and ecological emergency.'"
A Divine Call to Combat Climate Change for our Neighbors
By prioritizing the people of earth first, American Christians and non-Christians, Republicans and Democrats alike, can come together to combat climate change, and enforce responsible policy solutions that respect life, fiscal responsibility, property rights and lead the world toward a better future.
Thread International: Solving Global Issues one Shirt at a Time
he impact of Thread has been astronomical and has served to do good in many ways. Besides keeping millions of pounds of plastic out of oceans, Thread's supply chains offer a steady flow of income for those who could not otherwise bring home money for their family, effectively fighting poverty.
Stop Greenwashing Socialism
"The evidence is striking: environmental progress is most advanced in richer, developed countries. As countries have grown more prosperous, air pollution has drastically been reduced, we have reached ‘peak carbon emissions,’ populations of endangered species are rebounding, and there is more green land than in the Middle Ages."
How an Eco-Friendly Candle Store Made Green Products Cool
Environmentally-friendly ingredients are more expensive, but the value Americans put on their health and the earth has increased significantly in recent years. This is good news for the earth and the success of businesses prioritizing energy reduction and minimizing greenhouse gases.
Urban environmentalism has failed — it’s time for new perspective
"For decades, the term 'environmentalist' has been associated with urban activists marching in city streets, holding signs that demand the abolition of fossil fuels. The fact is urban environmentalism has failed us. Urbanites prescribe climate solutions from ivory towers while rural Americans have the most to lose."