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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

The Environmental Left Is Its Own Worst Enemy

"The biggest lesson in this epic travesty is that even if President Biden were truly committed to decarbonizing the economy (which is to be seriously doubted, given how fast he backed away from a gasoline tax, among other things), the resistance of Democrats at regional-agency level, among environmental groups, and in the federal judiciary makes it almost impossible to imagine how he could succeed."

NIMBYs stand in the way of addressing climate change

NIMBYs stand in the way of addressing climate change

"The simple fact is that we cannot afford to lead with fear and uncertainty in the face of climate change. We know that all sources of energy have trade-offs, and we must consider them. But, these trade-offs should not stop us from deploying clean energy and certainly should not encourage any sort of moratoriums on clean energy projects."

Don’t Look Up Doesn’t Get the Climate Crisis

Don’t Look Up Doesn’t Get the Climate Crisis

Eric Levitz writes in New York Magazine that Don’t Look Up doesn’t understand the issue of climate change. >>>Read more about “Don’t Look Up” here<<< “Climate change isn’t much like a planet-killing comet. And the pathologies of for-profit media and campaign finance aren’t the primary obstacles to rapid decarbonization. McKay’s film skewers social media for...

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

Don’t Look Left: Hollywood’s Climate Satirists Need a Broader Coalition

In a debate about solutions and what to do about this risk it’s important to think not just in terms of “the science” but all the sciences – plural – especially economics and math. And in the spirit of the film’s wonderful “Last Supper” scene, that’s a conversation that all sides should approach with honesty and grace.

Sponge Cities Address Impacts of Flooding

Sponge Cities Address Impacts of Flooding

A much wider concept of Sponge Cities is now developing. Often referred to as Ecosystem-based Adaptation, it creates an absorbent urban environment within flood-prone areas, to allow surplus groundwater to drain away safely, or be collected for cleaning and reuse.

Is Wrapping Paper Recyclable? Here’s the Deal

Is Wrapping Paper Recyclable? Here’s the Deal

Daisy Hernandez provides some tips on how to make your holiday wrapping a bit more eco-friendly this year in Popular Mechanics. “There are also alternative options if you want to commit to a more environmentally friendly holiday season—and who knows, maybe it’ll become a small change that becomes a year-round habit for birthdays, anniversaries, and...

Was COP26 a Cause for Climate Optimism?

Was COP26 a Cause for Climate Optimism?

COP’s fringe events were a success, and a cause for optimism on climate policy. All that’s required now is for those market voices on conservation issues to penetrate and percolate the UN’s main event, and have the self-evidentiary superiority of their solutions outshine inefficient socialist spending.

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