Crossing the climate chasm requires cleaner energy now. The Gulf of Mexico’s energy resources are on the right path.
Articles by Drew Bond
Why I Didn’t Pick a Gas Stove (and the Importance of Having that Freedom)
If a conservative from Oklahoman can opt for an electric range over natural gas, then policymakers should unleash American innovation and see what happens when consumers have more and better choices.
Clean Up Environmental Regulations for a Cleaner Environment
Lawmakers control the purse strings, and that gives them the power to drive positive change. By slashing through red tape and encouraging environmental innovation, they can improve American policy and help deliver a cleaner environment.
Fueling a Better Future
Let’s keep investing in a mix of energy sources, and we’ll find that the sky is the limit.
Strong US-South Korea Relations are Key for the Future of Freedom (and Climate)
For the U.S. and our allies such as South Korea, energy security is national security. We need to keep expanding our supplies to provide a better, more secure energy future for everyone, everywhere.
H.R. 1 Energy Legislation Drives Energy Accessibility and Affordability
H.R. 1 is an all-of-the-above energy bill, aimed at delivering the power our country needs in the 21st Century. In a divided Washington, it can be a scaffolding to help lawmakers build a better energy future.
Deep Sea Extraction Can Provide the Rare Earth Minerals We Need
Deep sea mining can provide crucial substances that are needed for a modern, green economy.
Less Competition Won’t Fix the Texas Electricity Grid
Free market principles, and the all-of-the-above approach they deliver, are the solution to the problems in Texas, and in energy markets everywhere.
How Fusion Power Can Help Balance the Federal Budget
Balancing the budget while investing in breakthrough technologies like fusion should be a “yes, and” winning proposition for America’s economic strength and energy security.
An Informed Climate and Energy Policy is Not “Anti-Science”
The way that humanity is going to handle climate change is not by creating conflict, but by working together to solve problems.