“Royal Dutch Shell is looking to slash up to 40% off the cost of producing oil and gas in a major drive to save cash so it can overhaul its business and focus more on renewable energy and power markets, sources told Reuters.”
Articles from Around the Web
The Race Is On to Build the Biggest Batteries in Texas
“But Texas offers benefits that the wind industry has long appreciated: relatively easy land acquisition and permitting, and a competitive market that batteries can enter without waiting for major policy changes.”
Oil Major BP Gives a Taste of How It Will Go Green
“The move is a signal of intent for BP’s low-carbon plans…It gives a real-life example of how the company plans to fulfill its ambition to sell integrated low-carbon power packages to companies and cities—one of the two green businesses it wants to develop.”
Renewables Are Primed for Growth in Asia
“Wood Mackenzie expects investment in renewable electric power in the Asia-Pacific region to outpace investment in fossil-fuel power such as coal and natural gas every year for the next five years.”
Utilities Look to Green Hydrogen to Cut Carbon Emissions
“U.S. utilities are increasingly exploring the use of what is called green hydrogen made from wind and solar energy to reduce emissions from power plants and pipelines.”
Even Renewables Are Bigger In Texas
“This year, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or ERCOT, the electric grid that services about 90% of Texas electricity, is scheduled to add almost as much wind as it has in the past five years combined and almost triple its solar capacity.”
Big Oil’s green makeover
“Led by a new chief executive, BP is trying to reinvent itself as an energy company in the age of climate change. The company is shrinking its oil and gas business, revving up offshore wind power and developing solar and battery storage.”
Smart Money Is Betting On These 5 Exciting Energy Technologies
“Although most high-profile energy investments have been in batteries and energy storage, recent funding rounds have favored novel technologies from fusion and graphene to solid-state circuit breakers, direct-air capture of CO2, and geothermal drilling.”
GE Hitachi, TerraPower Team on Nuclear-Storage Hybrid SMR
“TerraPower and GEH’s emphasis on cost reductions for the Natrium design is a crucial consideration for commercial success in a burgeoning global SMR market, where more than 50 designs and concepts with varying levels of technology readiness are vying for first customers.”
How a new solar and lighting technology could propel a renewable energy transformation
“Despite their cheap and versatile processing, these materials have been shown to be remarkably efficient as both solar cells and light emitters.”