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Articles from Around the Web

Dutch kick-start European attempts at carbon capture

Dutch kick-start European attempts at carbon capture

"If the project succeeds, a second pipeline — called Aramis and already backed by Shell and Total — is planned in Rotterdam to a gasfield that could store more than 10 times as much CO₂. In the UK, 14 companies won 21 licences last September to use depleted North Sea fields with the potential to store up to 10 per cent of the UK’s annual CO₂ emissions."

The Practical Environmentalist

The Practical Environmentalist

"Speaking for the normies, Backer writes, 'We can move forward only if we put political tribalism aside and rise above the noise of scare tactics and denialism. Only then will our generation of environmentalists be able to stand together.' Turning problems into win-wins isn’t particularly conservative, or particularly liberal. But it is practical. And popular—as in, winning elections popular."

Retired coal plants can aid the energy transition — by going nuclear

Retired coal plants can aid the energy transition — by going nuclear

"This coal-to-nuclear (C2N) transition could save millions of dollars by using existing land, reusing the coal plant’s equipment and infrastructure, such as transmission lines and switchyards, cooling ponds or towers, and civil infrastructure, such as roads and office buildings. This is also better environmentally in terms of land use since new land isn’t needed to create a power plant site, and existing sites already have transport avenues in place for construction and commuting purposes (i.e., roads)."

Julian Simon Was Right: Ingenuity Leads to Abundance

Julian Simon Was Right: Ingenuity Leads to Abundance

"A world of greater abundance in resources means a world in which people are better nourished, better clothed, warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer, and more prosperous. It's a world in which human ingenuity is set free to make the human race happier, healthier, and wealthier."

Zap Energy Achieves Significant Fusion Energy Milestone: Electron Temperature Exceeding 10 Million Degrees

Zap Energy Achieves Significant Fusion Energy Milestone: Electron Temperature Exceeding 10 Million Degrees

"This result is also a major success story for ARPA-E. Building on earlier scientific studies of sheared-flow stabilization of a Z pinch supported by DOE Fusion Energy Sciences, the University of Washington pursued initial performance scale-up of the concept in the ARPA-E ALPHA program beginning in 2015. From this seed, Zap Energy was spun off, and further performance improvements were funded in the ARPA-E OPEN 2018 program and the BETHE program starting in 2020, before Zap raised over $200M of private capital. Additionally, ARPA-E funded a Thomson-scattering diagnostic capability team from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryand a neutron diagnostic capability team from Los Alamos National Laboratory. These two teams’ travelling diagnostic capabilities provided independent and consistent measurements, which confirmed the achievement of 1-keV electron temperature."

As states increasingly look to advanced nuclear, Wyoming, Virginia and Michigan lead the way

As states increasingly look to advanced nuclear, Wyoming, Virginia and Michigan lead the way

"The Virginia Department of Energy’s Davis pointed to the recently announced Microsoft-Google-Nucor 24/7 clean electricity RFI as an opportunity for advanced nuclear power in southwestern Virginia, where a state-funded feasibility study last year identified seven promising SMR sites on or near decommissioned mine lands and the state-supported Energy DELTA Lab will 'deploy innovative and clean energy technologies,' including nuclear, that could support hyperscale data center and low-carbon hydrogen production clusters."

In the Fight Against Climate Change, Don’t Forget Rural America

In the Fight Against Climate Change, Don’t Forget Rural America

"The truth is that rural America is deeply connected to nature, far more so than their urban and suburban counterparts. Farmers, ranchers, and foresters have a personal stake in environmental protection because their livelihoods literally depend on it. With nature as their backyard, it's also their means to relax and connect with their community. Over the past seven years, I visited hundreds of rural communities to find climate solutions. It became crystal clear that they are the most critical partner in our fight against climate change."

Taiwan’s Lai needs to rethink nuclear shutdown plan

Taiwan’s Lai needs to rethink nuclear shutdown plan

"Some misguided environmental activists and old party hands who have not moved on from the 1980s might be alienated, but millions of voters who backed the KMT and TPP in January would be gratified if Lai showed his party recognizes how important energy abundance is for a thriving Taiwan. Lai hinted at the possibility of pivot a year ago when he suggested that the island's nuclear plants could be kept available for emergency use, distancing himself slightly from Tsai."

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