Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Rule by Regulation

Rule by Regulation

Andrew Stuttaford of National Review analyzes the Biden administration’s rule by regulation approach to clean energy and climate change. “The real aim of the emerging central-bank game is two-fold. Firstly, to increase the cost of capital for climate sinners by ‘discouraging’ banks from lending to them and secondly, by mandating disclosure of such risks (and...

The Race To Develop Plastic-Eating Bacteria

The Race To Develop Plastic-Eating Bacteria

Scott Carpenter of Forbes writes about the scientific race to develop plastic-eating enzymes. “The bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis, was only able to eat a particular kind of plastic called PET, from which bottles are commonly made, and it could not do so nearly fast enough to mitigate the tens of millions of tons of plastic waste that enter...

Clean Energy to Make More Carbon-Negative Fuel Available for Transportation with bp

Clean Energy to Make More Carbon-Negative Fuel Available for Transportation with bp

“'Carbon-negative RNG is being used today by thousands of vehicles with more and more fleets requesting it every week,' said Andrew J. Littlefair, CEO and president of Clean Energy. 'Taking this next step allows us to expand the availability of the fuel while providing dairy owners with a way to make a significant impact on the environment and create an additional revenue stream.'"

How Personal Technology is Democratizing Environmental Action

How Personal Technology is Democratizing Environmental Action

"Quietly, the same forces are at work in the environmental sector—reducing CO2 emissions, magnifying the role of citizen scientists, and addressing distributed sources of pollution that government agencies find difficult to address. The growth of personal environmental technologies is not new. What is now clear, however, is how small actions by thousands or millions of people can aggregate to produce big environmental benefits."

Correcting the record on animal agriculture and sustainability

Correcting the record on animal agriculture and sustainability

"Critics frequently cite global numbers for the environmental impact of animal agriculture rather than using statistics specific to the U.S., where production practices have advanced to decrease greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and animal agriculture is responsible for just 4 percent of total GHG emissions."

Put conservatives back into conservation

Put conservatives back into conservation

"We all care about the environment; after all, this is our home and the world we will pass down to our children and grandchildren. Where we differ is how to steward the resources we’ve been given. As conservatives, we believe stewardship means using our resources wisely."

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

America’s Energy Policy Should be “All of the Above” Not “Everything But”

Congressmen Ron Estes and Tracey Mann write on RealClearEnergy that America’s energy policy should be “all of the above” not “everything but.” “Republicans have an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence, embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy, and doesn’t allow Washington to pick winners and losers through massive subsidies. The...

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