"MethaneSat will be able to capture leaks as low as 5 kilograms per hour per square kilometer — and 'if there’s an oil and gas producing area that’s leaking less than that, you’re doing really, really well' in preventing typical emissions, he said."
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U.S. Rare Earth Independence from China Still Has Years to Go, Experts Say
Decades of one-size-fits-all environment regulation and policy inattention are part of the reason for the increased dependency. Even with the United States holding vast mineral reserves worth trillions of dollars, America is now 100 percent dependent on imports for some 17 key minerals.
Seaweed: An Out-of-the-Box Experiment in Carbon Mitigation
Studies show introducing seaweed into the cattle diet can help the meat industry reduce its carbon footprint.
Why Advancing Trade Freedom Is Key to Cleaner Environment
"As a recent report by the Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions reminds us, the proven way to lessen carbon emissions at a global scale is to implement policies that promote trade freedom around the world, through which policymakers can bring the less-developed countries up the economic ladder 'by rejecting socialism (i.e., shared misery) and embracing the proven principles of free market capitalism.'"
For FarmWise’s Cofounders, Opportunity Was In The Weeds
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Capitalism’s Not-So-Dirty Secret
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"America’s natural gas utilities are committed to being part of the clean energy future and have a proven pathway to get there."
Climatists for Nukes
"[The authors] show that the greens’ argument that nuclear power is uncompetitive is hypocritical nonsense, as it has only become uncompetitive in places where regulatory sabotage has made it so."