Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Solar power poised for even greater breakthroughs

Solar power poised for even greater breakthroughs

"Starting over a decade ago, the institute set up hundreds of sunlight sensors across the city state and began continuously measuring irradiance, the amount of sunlight that makes it to Earth as clouds come and go. Those measurements now constitute a massive data record that researchers, and Singapore power generators and grid operators, use to predict solar power output five minutes to seven hours ahead."

Exxon Makes a Long-Shot Bet on Climate Tech. Sizing Up the Costs.

Exxon Makes a Long-Shot Bet on Climate Tech. Sizing Up the Costs.

"Unlike many of the climate-related projects Exxon is undertaking, this plant is highly experimental. Exxon has previously said that its low-carbon businesses like biofuels and lithium-mining need to make double-digit returns. Direct air capture, by comparison, is more of a space-age science experiment for now—one that may pay off or fade away. The company isn’t disclosing how much it’s spending on the project."

Biden’s Tariffs Are a Bad Idea

Biden’s Tariffs Are a Bad Idea

"It is a decision that reflects the muddled economic thinking that has defined Biden's time in office. It is a promise to raise taxes on Americans who want to purchase products the president disfavors, one that cuts directly against the same president's own environmental goals, all wrapped up inside silly election-year rhetoric."

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