Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Don’t let California nuke affordable energy

Don’t let California nuke affordable energy

"Today’s energy shortage stems from the California Democratic Party’s socialist climate policies. Proud climate cultists, the Democrats in Sacramento, held captive by the radical environmental lobby, have feverishly pursued Utopian and punitive green mandates that have dug the state into a deep energy hole."

Conservatives and the climate change inflection point

Conservatives and the climate change inflection point

"The nation is at an inflection point in addressing climate change. It needs to decide whether it will continue down a fraudulent path of green talk without results or pivot toward commercial solutions that meet today’s energy needs, the increased power requirements of future megacities while also decarbonizing the planet."

Groups ask Congress for first-of-its-kind cost analysis of RTOs amid market expansion debate

Groups ask Congress for first-of-its-kind cost analysis of RTOs amid market expansion debate

Catherine Morehouse of Utility Dive reports that a coalition of free-market organizations, including C3 Solutions, have asked Congress to conduct a first-of-its-kind cost analysis on Regional Transmission Organizations (RTOs).  “In initially studying RTO formation, FERC estimated organized markets would save billions of dollars in production costs. Other studies have found similar results on the wholesale side, but...

All Porsche Parts Will Now Be Made with Renewable Energy

All Porsche Parts Will Now Be Made with Renewable Energy

"In March, Porsche set itself an ambitious goal to be carbon neutral across its entire value chain by 2030 — well ahead of automakers such as Ford (2050), GM (2040) and Jaguar Land Rover (2039). The sports car giant says that production within its German factories, located in Zuffenhausen and Leipzig, is already carbon neutral through the use of renewable energy and biogas."

Why We Must Celebrate America’s Natural Gas Boom

Why We Must Celebrate America’s Natural Gas Boom

"Policies that ignore natural gas’ long and short-term benefits threaten the energy security America worked so hard to achieve. Moreover, impeding domestic energy production would eliminate all means of economic and energy security, while forcing consumers to rely on energy imports from countries who lack the same industry-leading environmental oversight and regulatory framework."

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