Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Articles from Around the Web

Europe’s energy conflict fuels outbreak of realism about climate policy

Europe’s energy conflict fuels outbreak of realism about climate policy

"If Merkel at last recognized the folly of Germany’s climate policy overreach and Macron decided that re-election as president of France was better than virtue-signaling on climate, the world would owe them a debt for teaching us that reality can be avoided temporarily, but it never can be canceled. We might also hope that some American politicians are taking note of what is happening with their Old-World counterparts."

NIMBYs stand in the way of addressing climate change

NIMBYs stand in the way of addressing climate change

"The simple fact is that we cannot afford to lead with fear and uncertainty in the face of climate change. We know that all sources of energy have trade-offs, and we must consider them. But, these trade-offs should not stop us from deploying clean energy and certainly should not encourage any sort of moratoriums on clean energy projects."

Exxon Pledges to Reduce Carbon Emissions From Operations to ‘Net Zero’

Exxon Pledges to Reduce Carbon Emissions From Operations to ‘Net Zero’

online pharmacy buy keflex no prescription buy imodium online Christopher M. Matthews reports for The Wall Street Journal that Exxon is pledging to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. online pharmacy priligy no prescription pharmacy “With Exxon’s announcement, all of the largest Western oil companies have now made so-called net-zero commitments to reduce or offset...

Nuclear energy as a hidden gem: a conversation with Argonne nuclear chemist Andrew Breshears

Nuclear energy as a hidden gem: a conversation with Argonne nuclear chemist Andrew Breshears

"For advanced reactors, we're looking at using new material to transport that heat, like liquid metals, because metal conducts heat really well, better than water. We can also use salts [in molten form] to circulate the heat through the system. Those are just two examples of six different advanced reactor concepts that are being proposed right now."

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