"While labour is cheap, developers face technical hurdles. Unlike in China, many Western companies are still perfecting the complex processes for producing rare earth metals, a costly challenge that has stalled projects for years."
Articles from Around the Web
MEPA Blocks Montana Wind Energy
After 7 years of extensive research, planning, permitting and subsequent litigation, the Coyote Wind Project was stopped – not because it failed to meet substantive environmental regulations, but because of frivolous procedural concerns.
The carbon credit industry attempts a comeback
"Supporters of using carbon credits, which include influential climate advocacy groups such as the Bezos Earth Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation and multinational banks tasked with financing economic development, say the two-year long effort to improve standards can make these credits a key source of desperately needed funds for decarbonization efforts in Africa, Latin America and South and Southeast Asia."
Copper can’t be mined fast enough to electrify the US
"The shortfall is in part because of the permitting process for mining companies. The average time between discovering a new copper mineral deposit and getting a permit to build a mine is about 20 years, according to Simon."
DTE Energy to build power storage center at former coal plant site
"The new facility will store excess electrical energy during production and distribute it to customers when needed. The project will reduce strain on the grid and regulate power generation in sync with fluctuating demand, the company said."
It just won’t happen: Biden’s EV mandate relies on pure infrastructure fantasy
"Perhaps EVs are the future of transportation. If so, consumers will adopt them by choice over time, and the necessary infrastructure will be developed in due course, just as it was for automobiles a century ago. But putting the mandated EV cart before the charging infrastructure horse is a prescription for an expensive policy that is doomed to fail."
Nuclear Power Is Hard. A Climate-Minded Billionaire Wants to Make It Easier.
"TerraPower’s design has another unique feature. Most reactors can’t easily adjust their power output, making it hard to mesh with fluctuating wind and solar farms. TerraPower’s reactor will have a molten salt battery that allows the plant to ramp up or down as needed."
Flooding set to cost U.S. hundreds of billions as risks mount
"Porter said the insurance industry is hurting in part because of inflation's impacts to construction costs. With climate change altering the frequency and severity of extreme precipitation that leads to flooding, inflation can make repairs more costly."
Volvo Says Users Can Track Source of Battery Metals in Its EVs
"Commodities such as cobalt and nickel are regularly scrutinized for the ways they are mined. Most of the world’s cobalt is found in Congo, where an estimated 10% comes from 'artisanal' sources, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The artisanal sector, often described as barefoot miners, is made up of some of the world’s poorest workers, with reports of children being regularly used to mine battery metals."
Grid Operators and Congress Agree: The U.S. Needs More Reliable Power
Policymakers can help the U.S. meet future demand by streamlining permitting and reducing project delays.